Dreams So Vivid

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My head is pounding. My eyes feel so tired. I keep trying to move, but it's like I'm restrained. I managed to sit up just a bit. I slowly opened my eyes to see I was in some type of hospital room. I tried moving more, but my body was just so weak. I heard someone enter the room.

???: Can you hear me Ms.Logan?

I tried to respond, but my throat was so dry it hurt just trying to speak. I moved my hand to let the voice know I could hear them.

???: Ms.Logan I'm Dr. August. Can you move anymore than that?

I tried moving and managed to sit up a little to my elbows. I guess he saw me struggling cause he came over to help me sit up straight. I pointed to my throat to signal to him I needed some water.

Dr. August: Does your throat hurt Ms.Logan?

I'm now officially frustrated. I couldn't even orally let out my frustration. I started to say water in sign language in hopes he's had a deaf patient.

Dr. August: Oooh. You want water. Just wait one second I'll go get you some.

Oh thank God for me having a deaf aunt. As I waited for the doctor to come back I scanned my surroundings. There was a t.v. parallel to the hospital bed. To my right there were these beautiful bay windows. From where I was the view was amazing. While I was admiring natures beauty I didn't realize that the doctor had come back. He had tapped my shoulder causing me to jump in fright.

Dr. August: Sorry. I didn't mean to startle you. Here's your water.

I sign to him thank you in sign language. He replies your welcome back in sign language. I smiled. Not alot of people know sign language. I find it amazing that certain people do. I drank the water and had the greatest feeling of relief.

Me: I feel way better now.
Dr. August: Glad to here. Do you remember anything besides waking up here?
Me: Not really. All I remember is writing poetry inside of my notebook.
Dr. August: Exactly where were you writing this poetry?
Me: I was at work. In my office.
Dr. August: Ms. Logan I have to be the one to inform you that you have been in a coma for the past 2 weeks.
Me: What?!?
Dr.August: Yeah. You passed out while you were on your first day at work. Your boss Mr.Lopez had called 911 to get you here.
Me: What do you mean my first day I've been working for Mr.Lopez for about 3 years now.
Dr.August: Ma'am that can't be possible.
Me: Can I ask you a question? Dr. August: Go ahead.
Me: Is it possible that I could have dreamt 3 years of my life?
Dr.August: Actually it's quite common for patients that have been in a coma for more than a week to dream about what they think is the future.
Me: Wow.
Dr. August: Let me ask you this. Do you remember every single day of those 3 years or just certain ones?
Me: Just certain ones. Is that bad?
Dr. August: Actually not at all. Your brain was just making up for what it didn't know. Most of stuff you were thinking about wasn't real.

Wait so I didn't fall in love with Mr.Lopez? Well I guess that boat has sunk.

Dr. August: I have to go call your boss he wanted to be the first to know if you woke up.
Me: Really?
Dr.August: Yeah. He's been here almost everyday checking on you to see if you had woken up yet.
Me: Wow I haven't even worked there a full day and my boss cares so much.(chuckles)
Dr. August: I know him personally. That's just the kind of guy he is. Well I'll be back soon. Ring the bell on the side of the bed if you need a nurse.
Me: Ok, and thank you.
Dr. August:(smiles) Your welcome. (Leaves out)

Wait, I never asked him why I was in here. What happened to me?

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