Chapter 28

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3 months had past. Only a week left before they graduate at college and face the real world. The graduating students are occupied doing their requirements and completing their clearance. Some are pleading their professors to pass them, some are shouting in joy due to their achievements. After how many months, the 5 girls gathered at one table.

"Finally! We're graduating next week. I'm so excited!" Yeji said as she place her tray of meal on their table.

"Can't believe it, Dude. You're graduating!" Ryujin teased.

The other girls laugh. "I envy you guys. I still have 2 years left before I finish my course". Yuna sulked.

Chaeryeong tapped the younger's head. "Don't worry Yu, I'm sure you can do it". She encourage.

"It's been a long time since we eat all together. Why don't we have a slumber party tonight?" Lia suggested.

Yuna clapped her hands like a seal. "That's right, since it's Friday, why don't we stay at Ryujin unnie's place tonight?" 

"Mine again?" Ryujin asked.

"YESSS!" The four other girls said in unison that made them laugh.

"Fine" Ryujin said in defeat.


7 p.m. 

You can already hear the noises inside Ryujin's apartment. While waiting for Lia, the other girls prepared their slumber party. The Shin sister was in charge in fixing the living room, cleaning the place and preparing the huge bed foam that they will sleep on is part of their job. While the couple was busy preparing their food to eat.

After a couple of minutes, the brunette came with a 2 boxes of pizza on her hands. Yuna's eyes glittered when she saw what Lia brought. Before Lia went to Ryujin's unit she asked permission to Soobin, gladly he agreed on an instant saying he has something to do also.

"Li, you're here". Chaeryeong said.

"Unnie, unnie, you really love me. Do you?" Yuna hugged Lia. She just laugh at the youngest silliness.

Yeji and Ryujin sat at the couch comfortably. "Finally! Girls time!" Yeji said then she hit Ryujin's face with a pillow.

Of course Ryujin being competitive, she alse hit Yeji. "Pillow fight, huh?" She took revenge, but this time she made sure that she will also include the others so she slammed the pillow at her sister's head.

"Ouch! Unnie!" Yuna ran towards her sister then she throw her pillow but instead, it landed on Lia and Chaeryeong. Because of that Ryujin's apartment became chaotic.

The girls laughed after they get tired on their pillow fight. Yeji open the T.V. to entertain themselves, after 2 movies, she, Chaeryeong and Yuna are knocked-out due tor tiredeness. Lia went out to the veranda. After a moment, Ryujin joined her.

"Can't sleep?" Ryujin handed a cup of tea at Lia.

Lia shook her head. "I'm not yet sleepy". She said then there's a moment of silence befre Ryujin speak again.

"Time flies so fast, one day, I was just seating at the principal's office with a broken face but now, I'm already graduating as an architect". Ryujin chuckled.

"I didn't even notice that we will face the real world soon". Lia said.

"Let's promise each other". Ryujin raised her pinky finger.

"Promise? Promise what?" Lia asked.

"That we will be successful in our paths". Ryujin said. Without any doubt, Lia locked her pinky at Ryujin's.

"I promise". Lia showed her eye smile that made the younger girl's heart melt. "Thank you for always staying at my side, Ryu". She sincerely said as she rest her head at Ryujin's shoulder.

Ryujin put her arms around the brunette. "No worries, My World Wide Fashion Designer". She placed a kiss at the top of Lia's head before she stare at the night view.


The next day.

Ryujin's P.O.V.

It's already 3 pm. The girl left at 10 o'clock in the morning earlier. I was just petting my cats when my phone rang, I answered it without looking at my phone.

"Hello?" I asked lazily.

"Ryu~" A smile was placed on my lips when I identify who is the caller.

"What do you need, Choi Julia?"

"Wow! Full name?" She asked sarcastically. I just giggled. "Can you accompany me? I need to buy some stuffs". She added.

"I have things to do". I said trying to be so hard to get.

"Oh come on! I knew that you were just seating at your couch petting Byulie and Dallie while watching some dramas". She said that made me shock.

"How did you know?"

She chuckled. "Instinct you know. Come on now please~ pretty please~". And that's it, I lost because I can't say no to her baby voice.

"Fine, where are you? I'll fetch you. Just give 10 minutes to prepare". I said in defeated. After, I ended the call she send me her address.

As promised, after 10 minutes and I was ready to go. I enter my car then drive at the place where she is right now.

After a couple of time, I spotted her drinking her coffee, seating all alone. Where is her damn boyfriend? I enter the coffee shop then tapped her back.

"Hey, let's go?" I asked her.

"Oh, you're here!" She exclaimed.

"No I'm  not. It's just my picture. Come on save it." I joked.

She hit my stomach before she made her way out of the cafe. This woman is kinda feisty sometimes. As a gentlewoman, I opened my car door for her before I enter.

"Let's go!" She cheered as I drive as to the shopping mall.

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