Chapter 30

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Today is Chaeryeong's day. The four other girls were occupied preparing for today's event. They used a VIP space on Chaeryeong's family's restaurant. They planned to held a surprise party for Chae, they asked her sister—Chaeyeon to help them, gladly she accepted. Among four of them, Yeji was the most worried about the surprise.

"Dude, calm down. It's not like your preparing to ask her for a marriage". Ryujin joked. Yeji smacked her head, Ryujin was about to speak when Lia elbowed her side.

"I-I should shut m-my mouth. That hurts a lot". Ryujin whispered while walking away from them.

A notification attracts Yuna's attention. She took out her phone inside her bag to check it. "O! Unnies, Chaeyeon unnie messaged me, they were on their way here". Yuna said that made that older girls panicked.

After 15 minutes, the Chae sisters arrived at the venue. "Surprise!! Happy birthday!!" They all greeted as soon as Chaeryeong entered with her sister.

Chaeryeong being a soft baby, she was touched at her friend's surprise. A tear dropped from her loving eyes. "Oh my God! Guys, thank you so much!" She covered her mouth with her hands.

Yeji walked towards her girlfriend then handed her a bouquet of flowers. "Happy birthday, Bubu!" Yeji kissed her forehead.

"Thanks for the effort, baby". Chaeryeong hugged the cat-eyed girl.

"Effort? all she did was bite her nails and walk back and fort". Ryujin whispered. Lia elbowed her again because she heard what she said.

"Ouch". Ryujin groaned.

Yuna cleared her throat. "Uhm. uhm. Excuse me we are also here". She waved her hands.

"What are we waiting for? Let's eat". Chaeryeong said.

The girls seated and started to dig in. While eating, the girls talk about their plans after graduation. Chaeryeong planned to handle their family's second restaurant. While Yeji and Lia will work under their parents' company.

"How about you, Ryu?" Chaeryeong asked.

"Oh! Unnie, uncle James offered you to work with him in Europe, right?" Yuna said. It was too late for Ryujin to stop her sister from blurting it.

"You're leaving?" Lia asked.

Ryujin panicked. "I-I'm still t-thinking about it". She stuttered.

They now set aside the talk and continue eating. Yuna being talkative, she opened another topic. Half of the conversation, Lia stood up and excused herself.

"Where are you going?" Ryujin asked.

"I need to use the comfort room". Lia said. Ryujin just nodded at her then she made her way towards the room's door.

After Lia leaved, they continue talking. "Dude, if your uncle will pursue you to really work with him, will you go?" Yeji asked looking so curious.

Ryujin put down her utensils then look at them seriously. "Like I said, I'm still giving it a thought. And besides, there has still a lot of opportunity her other than that".

Yeji look at her eye to eye. "Is that so? or is there a reason behind it?..." She stopped for a moment. "It's Lia, right?" She added.

The short haired girl rest her back at her chair. "There's a side of me that wants to stay because I feel like I need to protect her". Ryujin said.

"But Ryu, even though Lia is our friend, I'm sure you're life will not revolve around her all the time". Chaeryeong said.

After the talk, Ryujin became worried because a long minutes had past since Lia excused herself. A rang coming from her phone brought her back to reality.

"Excuse me guys, I need to take this". She said before she went out of the room.

While talking with the caller, Ryujin got distracted when she saw a familiar figure not far from her standing at the middle of the restaurant—it was Lia. She saw tears continuously dropping from the brunette's eyes. She look at the direction where Lia was looking. Her blood boils when she saw that scenario.

"U-uncle, I'll call you later". She said before she end the call.


Lia's P.O.V.

After I use the toilet, I retouch for a little bit. Actually, I was so sad when I heard what Yuna said earlier. I know that Ryujin has own life and decisions, but still. I'm used to her naughtiness, I'm used to her being at my side and I can't picture out that there's no Shin Ryujin that will pester me everyday if ever she accept her uncle's proposal.

After I fixed myself, I went out of the rest room and made my way back to my friends. But my whole world wrecks when I saw Soobin entering the resto with a girl. His arms was placed around the blonde's shoulders. I was stuck at my position, I didn't know what to do. They passed by me, not even noticing my presence. Is she his sister? But her face is different from what I saw from the picture. Is she his cousin? But as he said before, most of his girl cousins are living in states and was married now.

I identify their relationship when MY BOYFRIEND kiss her. What the actual f*ck? I didn't realize that my tear are now flowing when a hand covered my eyes. That person turned me around hugged me.

I know who owns this smell. "Ryujin-ah~". I broke out in tears when I said her name.

"That jerk. No, he is an as*h*le, a b*tch, a d*mn cheater and a stupid mother f*cker'. She spitted. "Let's go back to our friends". She added. She was about to walk me towards our place but I resisted and cry.

"No, Ryu! I need to talk to Soobin!" I said crying.

She hold both my arms. "Let me do it for you, Lia". She guided me again back to our friends while she covers my eyes.

"Unnie! What happened?!" Yuna asked as she saw my messy state.

"Li, are you okay?" Chaeryeong asked. I felt that my knees weaken when I cry. The tears continuously drops and I don't know how to stop it.

"Stay with her guys, I need to talk to someone". I heard Ryujin said before she slammed the door.

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