Chapter 4 - Training Snowy

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After Lillie and Ash finish talking. Lillie told Ash.

Lillie: Can you help me train Snowy. Lillie Told Ash.

Ash: Well, Ye-.

Ash's Greninja interrupted Ash.

Greninja: Ninja! (I will do it!) Interrupted Greninja.

Ash: Ok! Then you train Snowy while me and Lillie talk. Agreed Ash.

So, Greninja went into his Ash-Greninja form and took Snowy (Lillie's Alolan Vulpix) with him not far from Ash or Lillie. While Lillie and Ash talk, Rotom went with Greninja and Snowy.
Greninja: Ok Snowy i will teach you a new move. Greninja told Snowy

Snowy (Alola Vulpix): I want to learn the move Auroa Beam. Answered Snowy.

Greninja: Ok! Agreed Greninja.

Greninja: Breath in your Powder snow. Said Greninja.

Snowy breathed the powder snow.

Greninja: When i say go you go! Explained Greninja.

Greninja: 3...2...1... GO! Shouted Greninja.

Snowy released it and the Auroa Beam was little.

Greninja: Let's try Again! Repeated Greninja.

Snowy Repeated and Repeated until she fully learned the move Auroa Beam. Snowy successfully learned Auroa Beam. And Rotom took pictures of Snowy learning the move auroa beam.

Greninja: I'm proud of you Snowy! Smiled Greninja.

Snowy (Alola Vulpix): Thank you! Repiled Snowy as she jumped and hugged Greninja.

And Greninja went back to his normal-self.

Ash: Hey Greninja! Shouted Ash!

Rotom: Look at that! Said Rotom.

Lillie and Ash: Wow!
Pikachu: Pika! (Wow!) Smiled Pikachu, Lillie, and Ash.

Lillie: Greninja! Your the best! Shouted Lillie.

Ash: Yep Greninja! You are the best at teach pokémons new moves. Agreed Ash.

Greninja: Greninja! (Thank you!) Repiled Greninja with a little blush.

Meanwhile with Dark Ash.
It's time to make a trap and kill Lillie and the others. Including my rival Gladion and his stupid Dark-type Pokémons. Evil laughed Dark Ash.

Will Ash's friends falls into Dark Ash's trap?

Find out on the next Chapter.

To Be Countinued...

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