Chapter 14 - Pikachu and Dark Pikachu's secret

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Both Ash and Greninja wanted to know why Pikachu goes outside in the middle of the night. Rotom showed Ash the picture.

Rotom: Ash! Me, Greninja, and Glaceon was looking at the window and we found out that, Pikachu was playing with Dark Pikachu. Explained Rotom.

Ash: That's sweet! Smiled Ash.

Both Rotom and Greninja was shocked.

Greninja: Gre Nin Ja. (But, i thought you hate Pikachu playing with Dark Pikachu.) Thought Greninja.

Rotom: So did i. Thought Rotom.

Ash: Yeah! I like it but, Dark Ash won't he will scream.

Meanwhile in the Dark World.
(Dark Ash's POV)
Dark Ash was playing video games on the Television.

Dark Greninja: Greninja. (Dark Ash i need to -.)

Dark Ash: Not now Greninja. I'm busy playing on my video games. Dark Ash talked over Dark Greninja.

Dark Greninja: *Thinking* Greninja. (What a dummy.) Thought Dark Greninja.

Dark Greninja: *Thinking* Greninja? (Couldn't he know that Pikachu was playing with Pikachu in the middle of the night?) Thought Dark Greninja.

Back in Proffesser Kukui's house.
Ash's girlfriend Lillie have arrived. Glaceon couldn't wait to see her boyfriend, Greninja. Also the rest of Ash's friends are here too. But, Tsareena and Glaceon are fighting for there beloved Greninja.

Ash: Pikachu and Dark Pikachu were playing together. Which is sweet right Lillie? Asked Ash.

Lillie: Yeah! It ia sweet after all. Agreed Lillie with a smile.

Mallow: I guess Tsareena and Glaceon are fighting each other for Greninja. Laughed Mallow.

All of Ash's friends starts laughing (including there pokémons, Proffesser Kukui, and Rotom.)

Greninja: [Water drop] Greninja. (Yeah girls fight for there loved ones.) Laughed Greninja.

Greninja, Ash, Rotom,Pikachu,and Ash's pokémons looked in the window and saw Dark Ash and his pokémons.

Ash: [Angry face] Let's get that guy. Demanded Ash.

Dark Ash: HAHAHA! He thinks he can st-.

Ash: I can stop you! Ash interrupted Dark Ash.

Dark Ash: You again? Couldn't you leave me alone and stop somebody else instead? Decided Dark Ash.

Ash: NO! I will only defeat you because your my wrost and evil enemy! Argued Ash.

(Ash's Pokémons) Inciumroar,Lycanroc,Rowlet, and MelMetal fights Dark Ash's Alola pokémons while Ash and Greninja have a argument with there  Dark-selfs. Rotom and the others tries to calm Ash amd Greninja down but, both of them refused to stop and kept arguing. Dark Pikachu and Pikachu must do something.

Dark Pikachu: What are we going to do? Asked Dark Pikachu.

Pikachu: i don't know. Response Pikachu.

Pikachu: If only they can play there favorites. Decided Pikachu.

Dark Pikachu: Play there favorites........ That's It!

Dark Pikachu: Maybe, we should give them there favorite games to keep them busy. Planned Dark Pikachu.

Pikachu:  YEAH! Agreed Pikachu.

Both Pikachu's put there master's favorite things when there master's saw it. They got excited and returned all there alola pokémons. Both Ash's stopped and Pikachu said goodbye to his best friends, Dark Pikachu.

It was nighttime. Ash and his pokémons (Except Pikachu who went out of the window) went to sleep, allowing Pikachu to play with Dark Pikachu.

What will happen next?

Find out on the next Chapter.

To Be Countinued...

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