Chapter 23 - Finding Lillie's Diamond

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At Proffesser Kukui's house in Alola.
(Ash's POV)
Ash and his pokémons were outside training. Greninja was standing next to Ash watching, Ash's pokémons get stronger. Greninja always stands next to Ash supporting him. Pikachu is watching Ash train his Alola pokémons and is cheering for them. Rotom is watching too.

Ash: Inciumroar, Use Fire Blast! MelMetal, Use Harden. Ash told his pokémons.

Inciumroar: Incium!
MelMetal: MelMetal!
Fireblast hits (But not really) MelMetal.

Ash: Ok Inciumroar and MelMetal return. Ash returned MelMetal and Inciumroar into there Pokéballs.

Ash: You two have some good rest.
Smiled Ash.

Lillie: Hi Ash! Waved Lillie.

Ash: Hi Lillie! Waved Ash.

Ash: Lillie i wanted to give you this.
Said Ash.

Lillie: A diamond? Asked Lillie.

Ash: Yes, it's because your my Alola girlfriend. Blushed Ash.

Lillie: Thank you! Smiled Lillie as she kissed Ash's cheeks.

Pikachu blushed, Rotom fainted, Greninja well he is enjoying it.

After the talk Lillie went home. Ash,his partners, and Rotom went to bed.

Next day at the Pokémon school.
(Lillie's POV)
Everyone (Except Ash) arrived at the Pokémon school and sat down on their desk.

Lana: Huh? Where's Ash? Asked Lana with a confused face.

Proffesser Kukui: He's training his pokémons. Responded Proffesser Kukui.

After Proffesser Kukui finished the lesson.
(Lana's POV)
It was home time. Lana saw a diamond on Lillie's hand.

Lana: Lillie, who gave this to you? Asked Lana.

Lillie: Ash gave it to me. Answered Lillie.

Lana: Can i look at it? Asked Lana.

Lillie: Yeah sure! Just don't lose it. Agreed Lillie.

Lana looked at the diamond but, she slipped and the diamond rolled away.

Lana: Huh? Where did the diamond go? Asked Lana.

Primarina: Prima! (I don't know!)

Sandy (Eevee): Eevee. (Neither do i.)
Noded Sandy (Eevee) and Primarina.

Lillie: Did you finished looking at my diamond that Ash, gave me? Asked Lillie.

Lana: Yes! I took go care of it! And i didn't even lose it. Lied Lana.

Lillie: Well, i saw it rolling and i found it. Grinned Lillie.

Lana: ...........

Lillie: So your trying to lie so that, you don't get in trouble? Questioned Lillie.

Lana:.... Yeah! I was so scared to get in trouble. Tumbled Lana.

Lillie: I'm not gonna get mad at you. Your my friends Lana. Smiled Lillie.

Lana: Really? Thank you! Smiled Lana.

Lana was relived that Lillie didn't get angry.

What will happen next?

Find out on the next Chapter.

To Be Countinued...

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