Chapter 5 - Dark Ash's trap

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Ash and his friends were walking into the forest to find some feathers for there project.
Ash: Guys, me and my pokémons are going to the other side to find some feathers. Ash told his friends.

Kiawae: Ok Ash! Stay safe! Repiled Kiawae.

Ash, his pokémons, and Rotom are going to the other side of the forest to find feathers. While his friends Countinues to go straight to find some feathers. Then, Snowy finds a feather but it moved.

Lillie: Let's go after it! Shouted Lillie.

Ash's friends were following the feathers and finally caught up with it and, catched it. When suddenly...

???: Lycanroc use Stone Edge! Shouted an unknown person.

Dark Lycanroc (Dusk form): Lycan!

The Stone Edge went round Ash's friends and all of them were trapped.

Dark Ash: Hahahahaha! Looks like your in my trapped! Laughed Dark Ash.

Lana: Ash? Is that really you evil? Questioned Lana.

Dark Ash: NOO! You stupid mermaid! I am Dark Ash not the Real Ash! Shouted Dark Ash.

Sophocles: Then, where is the real Ash? Questioned Sophocles.

Dark Ash: He is on the other side searching for feathers. Answered Dark Ash.

Mallow: Is Rotom with you? Questioned Mallow.

Dark Ash: NO! Shouted Dark Ash.

Kiawae: Why do you look so Shadowy? Questioned Kiawae.

Dark Ash: Cause i'm evil. Explained Dark Ash.

Lillie: Where is the Real As-
Dark Ash interrupted Lillie by Shouting.


Ash: Pikachu! Use Iron Tail on the Stone Edge! Shouted Ash.

Pikachu: Pika Pika Chu!

All of Ash's friends are free.

Lillie: Ash your ok! Said Lillie

Ash: Ok Pikachu let's show Dark Ash our Z-Moves! Shouted Ash.
Ash used his Z-moves on Dark Ash and his pokémons but, nothing happens to hin or his pokémons (Except Dark Ash's Pikachu).

Rotom: It didn't hit Dark Ash or his Dark alola pokémons. But, it hits Dark Ash's Pikachu. Explained Rotom.

Dark Ash disappeared.

Ash: I was going to warn you guys. That Dark Ash is here. Said Ash.

Lillie: That's ok Ash! You didn't notice that Dark Ash was following you. Repiled Lillie.

Ash: Thanks! Let's find some feathers! I'm going to be with you guys. Ash promised his friends.

What will happen next?

Find out on the next Chapter.

To Be Countinued...

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