Chaptet 10 - Gladion's Umbreon's new move

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About: Gladion's Umbreon was trying to learn 'Foul play' but he failed, and is ready to give up. Luckily, Ash,Lillie,Rotom, and there pokémons came to see Gladion. Ash's Greninja decided to help Umbreon to learn the move 'Foul play'.

Gladion was in there forest trying to train his Umbreon to learn the move 'Foul Play' but, Umbreon didn't do it successfully.

Umbreon: Umbreon. (I give u-)

Ash: Hey! Gladion! Ash interrupted Umbreon.

Gladion: Ash? Lillie? Rotom? Said Gladion.

Gladion: What are you doing here? Questioned Gladion.

Lillie: We've heard you. Answered Lillie.

Ash: So, what's the problem? Questioned Ash.

Gladion: Well, you see... My Umbreon was trying to learn a new move called 'Foul Play'. Explained Gladion.

Ash: Don't worry Gladion, your lucky that we're here. My Greninja taught Snowy how to learn Auroa Beam. Explained Ash.

Gladion: Wow, Greninja, Please train my Umbreon to learn Foul play. Begged Gladion.

Greninja: Grenin! (Sure!) Agreed Greninja.

Greninja transformed into his Ash-Greninja form. He took Umbreon to the place not so far from there trainners (Rotom came along), While Ash,Lillie, and Gladion talk about Ash and his Greninja.

Greninja: Alright Umbreon try using Dark Pulse then, Shadow Ball. Explained Greninja.

Umbreon: Ok! Agreed Umbreon.

Umbreon Used Dark pulse and Shadow ball, he was doing it successfully.

Greninja: Again! Repeated Greninja.

Umbreon Repeated again and again untill he was successful. Umbreon Repeated and Repeated until, he managed to learn Foul Play. Rotom immediately Took pictures of Umbreon learning the move Foul Play.

Greninja: You did really well Umbreon. Smiled Greninja.

Umbreon: Thanks! Grinned Umbreon. Umbreon jumped and he hugged Greninja. Greninja went back to his normal form.

Gladion: How is my Umbreon? Questioned Gladion.

Greninja: Greninja! (He did 100% correct!) Answered Greninja.

Gladion: Greninja! Your the best pokémon ever! Shouted Gladion.

Lillie: Ash's Greninja is so cool.

Ash: Yep! He is my #1 pokémon.
Agreed Ash and Lillie.

Pikachu was thinking about Dark Pikachu at lot and he started missing him. And Dark Pikachu starts missing Pikachu too, So both Pikachu's decided to play at the beach at nighttime so, that they can become close friends.

Will Ash and Dark Ash find out that there Pikachu were playing in the beach at nighttime?

Find out on the next Chapter.

To Be Countinued...

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