Chapter 22 - Rivals and Darkness

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Ash,his partners (Pikachu and Greninja),his girlfriend (Lillie),and Rotom were taking a scroll through the forest when they saw Gladion, who is fighting Dark Ash.

Gladion: Ash listen! Your not a villian your a hero, a true hero! Shouted Gladion.

Ash: What's going on here? Asked Ash.

Gladion: Huh? But i thought.......... Then, Gladion paused and looked at both Ash and Dark Ash.

Lillie: Brother, this is the Real Ash, and that guy is not the Real Ash. It is Ash's enemy Dark Ash. Announced Lillie.

Dark Ash: Yeah that's right! You need to fix your brain up. Laughed Dark Ash.

Gladion: Oh i get it now. So your Ash's worst enemy right? Asked Gladion.

Without saying anything Dark Ash and his pokémons vanished.

Gladion: That's strange. I Thought that was the real Ash. Said Gladion.

Ash: Me and my pokémons know about, our dark-selfs. Told Ash.

Lillie: Can you tell us about him Ash? Asked Lillie.

Greninja: Grenin! (Ok!) Agreed Greninja.

Pikachu: Pika Pika chu. (Listen to Ash carefully.) Warned Pikachu.

Ash: me and my pokémons were once turned evil by Team Plasma. After me and my Pokémons got back to normal, our dark-selfs were in our heads watching us, what we do, what we were talking about, and everything. Me and my pokémon just wanted our dark-selfs to go away. We don't want them, we just *Sights* want them to go away. Nurse Joy said that she doesn't have any cure for the Darkness, And that's all i guess. Explained Ash.

Lillie: That's horrible! Feared Lillie.

Gladion: I'm sorry for both you and your pokémons Ash, about the your dark-selfs in your head watching, everything your doing. Said Gladion.

Ash: Gladion, you don't need to apologize it's fine. Ash grinned.

Gladion: I'm gonna get that Dark Ash next time! Demanded Gladion.

Ash: Me too!
Lillie: And me three!
Agreed Lillie and Ash.

Greninja: Grenin! (I will get you Dark Greninja!) Demanded Greninja.

Will Ash and Dark Ash face off?

Find out on the next Chapter.

To Be Countinued...

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