Chapter 26 - See you Again Alola

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It was the last day of Alola.
Ash packed up his things, put his Pokéballs (With Ash's Alola pokémons) inside his bag, he's partners (Pikachu amd Greninja) is with him. And went to the airport.

Everyone: Goodbye Ash! Waved Everyone.

Ash: Bye! Waved Ash.

Ash: Come on Greninja and Pikachu let's go inside the plane. Said Ash.

Rotom: I will always think about you Ash! Shouted Rotom.

As Ash and his partners (Pikachu and Greninja) was inside the plane. Ash's friends waved goodbye to him. Ash and his partners (Pikachu and Greninja) waved back. The plane flew.

5 hours later.
The Plane has arrived in Kanto.
Ash and his partners (Pikachu and Greninja) arrived home.

Ash: Here is my Alola pokémon. Ash gave his Alola pokémons to Proffesser Oak.

Proffesser Oak: Thank you Ash. Smiled Proffesser Oak.

Ash and his partners (Pikachu and Greninja) waved goodbye to Proffesser Oak. Ash then, arrived home.

Delia: Oh Ash your back! Smiled Delia.

Ash: Hi mom, me,Pikachu, and Greninja had fun in Alola. Explained Ash.

Delia: What did you do in Alola? Asked Delia.

Ash: Well, we had battles and we met a legendary Pokémon called, Solgaleo, and it was a reunion, We had amazing fun in Alola, and we will never ever forget our friends at all. Explained Ash.

Delia: That's so sweet! Repiled Delia.

After the talk Ash and his partners had dinner. Ash chnaged into his pyjamas and went to bed. Ash's partners went to sleep too.

Meanwhile with Dark Ash.

Dark Pikachu: Alola was so fun. I wish i could see Pikachu again. But, i can't go cause Ash will never ever allow me to come out. Said Dark Pikachu.


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