The Step Family

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"Harry, where is my dress?" Danielle shouted, from the hallway. A second later, clumsy steps been heard and Harry comes out running, with an elegant dress in his hands.

"Ayy, careful with that, this is Versace! Do you think you can afford if it has damage on it huh? Move your dirty hands away!"

"Sorry," Harry carefully passes the dress to Danielle, and she slams her door room in front of Harry's face. A moment later she comes out, wearing the dress and it fits perfectly on her body. Harry's eyes sparkling, because Danielle looks so gorgeous in that expensive dress. If only he can wear one. He doesn't want a Versace, a cheap suit will do.

"What are you looking at?" Danielle smirks.

"N-nothing. Y-you look so-"

"Beautiful? I know," Danielle smiles as she's moving and turning around, showing his dress.

"Are you not done yet?" Briana suddenly appears on the door frame. She is also in the very expensive dress.

"How do I look?" Danielle asked to Briana.

"Hmm, not bad," Briana replied while giving an indifferent shrug.

"What do you mean not bad? You think you look more beautiful than me?"

"I mean my dress is more expensive than you, so,"

"Well excuse me, Briana, my dress is the most expensive in this town, how dare you to say that?"

And so, they're fighting again. That was common thing happened in this house, Briana and Danielle's arguments on who has the best and the most expensive things. And Harry, as usual, standing there like a statue, wearing his worn-out shirt, that he has been wearing since he was 10.

"How do we look Harry? Aren't we gorgeous and spectacular?" Briana said, and both of their attentions are on Harry.

"You both l-look f-fantastic,"

"We know," Danielle flips her hair, "I feel bad for you because you can't go to this ball. What a pity,"

"Haha, I'm sure you're jealous enough just to see how gorgeous we are," Briana added.

"Briana! Danielle! Are you both ready?" A hoarse voice suddenly heard from downstairs, which makes Harry startled. Yes, it was Simon, his demonic stepfather.

"Yes father," Briana and Danielle said in unison, after eyeing each others and smirking to Harry.

"By the way, Harry, you need a haircut. You look messy, boy," Danielle gives a final smirk and both of them chuckles devilishly before they go downstairs.

Harry touches his long and curly hair that reaches his shoulder. He hates it when his stepsisters were making fun about his hair. He loves his hair. He's sure that one day some people will appreciate his long hair. And they're not messy. They're always clean and smelled like strawberries.

"Harry, come here," Harry startled when Simon calls for him. He's quickly running to his stepfather.

"Yes father?" Harry has his face down, staring at his own feet. He doesn't has a gut to see his stepfather's face.

"We will be back by 12. I want the tub will be ready when I got home. And don't ever leave the house. Understand?"

"Yes father," Harry nods weakly. He understands everything, it's not his first time doing this shit.

"Good. Let's go girls," Simon turns around together with his two daughters.

"Goodbye peasant," Danielle smirks and the three of them walk to the door. Harry follows them to the doorstep. He looks from afar when his stepfather and sisters ride in their luxury car.

He feels sad that he's not allowed to go the party, but somehow he feels relieve because he finally has his own time in the house.


Once again Harry startled, he quickly turns around and sees his neighbor, Zayn, greeted him from his car porch. Zayn is also in a very sophisticated suit, of course, he's going to the ball as well. And Harry had crush on Zayn since he was 11, but yeah, not everyone is gay. Zayn has a beautiful girlfriend named Perry. They are perfect couple.

"Why are you not ready yet?" Zayn approaches the fences that separate their houses.

"Umm no, I-I'm not going," Harry said with an awkward chuckle.

"Why not? Everyone is invited,"

"I know. But I, umm.. I'm not. I mean I don't deserve to be there,"

"What do you mean?"

"Yeah that party is just for the very-very important people, people with fame and high reputation and,"

"Don't be ridiculous, Harry. You're one of the Cowells too,"

"I mean, I don't know Zayn. It just,"

"Okay, stop. You know what, go get ready now, you're going with me,"

Harry's eyes are bulging. "What? No!" Zayn's idea is crazy. How can he go out from the house, Simon will literally kill him.

"Why not? Are you afraid that old man will scold you? Come on Harry, it's a huge party. No one will recognize you. Plus, this is the only change for you to see the outside world,"

Zayn knows about everything, that Harry always locked in his own house. Harry feels unsure about this. Zayn is right, this is probably his chance, but he also afraid of what he's risking if he follows Zayn. But he thinks maybe this time he should follow his inner instinct.

"B-but I don't have something good to wear," Harry finally said.

Zayn's eyes light up, "Oh don't worry, I have a lot,"

Harry gulps and he can listens to his own heartbeats. Here goes nothing.

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