"But I love you, Harry"

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He taps his long beautiful fingers on the body of his now empty tea cup. And he sits there alone, in the kitchen, but actually he's not alone, Lucas is there, faithfully accompany him in the dim light, curling on the table, his head is on Harry's big palm, purring comfortably as it's raining heavily outside.

"It is so good to be a cat isn't it Lucas? No problems to think, no bills to pay, nothing to figure out. No love, no pain, no cry, no heart breaking," he strokes Lucas' head softly and kisses it.

Harry lets out a heavy breath, "Wanna switch places?" he asked again, and Lucas meows once, as if the cat understand.

"No?" He pouts.

"It's okay Lucas, no one ever wanna switch places with a poor boy like me, in fact, your life is better than me, at least, no one is taking Louis away from you," he strokes Lucas' fur. Harry's pout becomes longer, because this time, Lucas is ignoring him, he flips his tail and jumps off the table.

"You hate me too now? It's okay, no one loves me anyway," Harry puts his head on the tables, almost crying. He buries his face into his arms, breathes deeply.

Harry startled when he feels a warm breath is puffing behind him, hitting the back of his neck, and a soft, sweet kiss is placed there, which makes he stretches out immediately.

"But I love you, Harry," he heard a soft whisper from his back, along with a pair of strong arms, cuddling him from back.

Harry freezes in his place, shocked and stunned. This is the second time he heard Louis saying this words after the incident this evening. He wants to ask again, but he feels embarrass, what if Louis is half asleep and didn't realize what's he saying. So he just keeps his mouth shut, but his heart is shouting loudly.

"Harry? Are you listening?" Louis asked again, and he moves in front of Harry, seeking for an answer. So he's completely sober.

Harry nods, his lips is quivering, "Y-you do?"

Louis nods and he comes closer to Harry, brings his body in his arms and gazing Harry's face with admiration, although in the dark, but Harry's smiles can shine so bright. And Harry's face is red, thankfully the lights are dim, so Louis couldn't see his face clearly.

But after what happened this evening, Harry feels everyone in this world is hating him and he feels guilty to his family, especially to Briana, because she was meant to be getting married to Louis.

"It's okay, Harry. You don't have to say it back, at least, not now," Louis gulps his dry throat and of course Harry notices the changes in his voice.

"But m-me too!" Harry suddenly squeals and he immediately covers his mouth.

"Hmm?" Louis plays with Harry's curls softly, "You too what, baby?"

"I, I love you too," Harry said it out loud and he covers his face with both of his hands. Despite feeling guilty, he doesn't want to hide his true feelings anymore. And even though he's hiding it, his actions and gestures say it all clearly.

"Thank you," Louis takes both of Harry's hands from his face, leans forward and places a kiss on Harry's lips. Harry smiles into the kiss before he secures Louis' lips with his, moving together perfectly.

Harry looks down to his lap after they break the kisses, "A-am I really worth it?"

Louis caresses Harry's cheek with both of his hand, tracing the green eyed boy's jawline, along his chin, and he tilts it up slowly. He looks into Harry's eyes, and he sees that he already lost.

"Harry, you're worth more than anything. Don't you ever ask this question again. I love you for who you are. And no one can take you away from me and me away from you, remember that,"

Harry keeps silent, because somehow, this doesn't feel real.

"But, why me? Why did you choose me? Why do you want me? Why do you love me?"

Louis smiles and he whispers, " For every question why, you were my because,"

Harry's eyes are damp and his cheeks are red, Louis swears to god that he never sees someone as beautiful as Harry, long curly hair, so perfect with his beautiful sharp face, ask anyone in this world, they will totally fall in love at first sight with Harry.

Harry startled when Louis presses his lips again on his, he will not breaks the kiss again, he closes his eyes and kisses Louis back, because he needs no reason anymore.

"Move in with me?" Louis asked which makes Harry's mouth agape and eyes wide open.


"Move in with me, so I can look after you. And I don't want you to live in that house anymore, Harry,"

Harry keeps silent. He is actually happy to live with Louis, but he needs to apologize to his family after what happened.

"Okay," Harry said, and he can see a bright smile flashing from Louis' face.

"But, I need to go back, I-I have to pack my things,"

"We can buy new stuffs for you, no need to get it,"

"Louis, there is still, something that I need to get,"

"Okay, then I'll go with you,"

"No, Lou. I can go by myself,"

"Harry, I'm not letting you go back to that house alone,"

"It's fine, don't worry. It's the place where I was raised in, how bad can it be?"


"Lou, I need you to trust me this time,"

Louis finally gives in, although he doesn't really approve Harry's idea. He brings Harry closer, cuddles him and kisses his lips.

"Fine. But be careful. Just pack your things and leave, okay?"

"It won't be long, I promise,"

Louis takes Harry's chin and he pecks his lips again, which makes Harry giggles before he gives a proper kiss.

"Kissing you is like doing a legal drug. It's so addicting," Louis mumbled between their lips.

"So I'm a drug now?" Harry giggles, "If my kisses are illegal, are you still willing to kiss me?"

"Of course baby, I'd rather go to jail than go on living without your kisses."

"If you've got caught, you can't kiss me anymore," Harry whispered as he trails his finger on Louis' lips.

"So we make it legal," Louis pecks Harry's lips again.

"That is very.. Unchallenging," Harry giggled.

"So you really want to make kisses illegal?" Louis frowned.


"Okay, I won't kiss you anymore because I'm a good citizen, I won't do something illegal,"

"Uhh nooo, come back heree," Harry pouted as Louis completely breaks their kiss.

"You asked for it, baby,"

"Nooo, give me back my kisses,"



Louis chuckles and he presses his lips against Harry's again, because no one can resists that pinky plump lips, and finally the curly boy smiles and giggles again.

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