The Dinner

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They arrived at the Tomlinson's at 7pm, the four of them, Simon, Briana, Danielle and also, Harry. Simon finally decided to bring him along, although he's the only one who look impoverished among them, but he doesn't really care. He used to that. Standing between the high profile Cowells, and then there's him.

He reluctantly agreed to attend this dinner, he feels a little nervous, he will meet Louis in this big house, and something unpleasant will be told today, and Harry feels like he wanna throw up.

They walk into the house, greeted by Jay, Louis' mother, and standing behind her are the most handsome man, the love of Harry's life, Louis.

They all make their way to the dining room, where they are served with variety of rich people food, Harry thought, which he always made for his family.

Everyone already taken their seats, around the large modern wooden table and they're finally enjoying the delicious meals. Harry is sitting at the very end of the table, in front of him is an empty seat. But it's okay for him, at least he can hide his feelings when the announcement is made.

Two seats across Harry, there sit Louis. His legs is itching to swap his place to the empty seat in front of Harry. Nobody is ignoring his boyfriend like that. He wants to see his boyfriend's face clearly, because one, he missed Harry's beautiful face so much and two, he can see that something isn't right on Harry's face. He doesn't even look at him, which makes Louis throws some breadcrumbs to Harry to seek for his attention.

"Louis? Were you listening?" Briana said as the blue eyed boy is busy in getting Harry's attention.

"Huh, what?" Louis turns to Briana, who's sitting next to him, but his eyes can't stop from glancing at Harry.

"How's businesses going?" Briana asked again, this time she twirls her blonde hair on her fingers.

"Good, I guess," Louis replied, uninterested.

"Do you know, they're planning something for us, like, something really special," Briana whispered to Louis and giggles.

"Is it? What is so special about you anyway?" Louis stares at Briana from head to toes. Dear god, this annoying girl, you're no different from your evil father, Louis thought.

"Louis, why are you acting so cold to me hmm? Ah, but never mind, you will change your mind later,"

Louis narrows his eyes, because he damn confuses with this girl, she's grabbing Louis' arm and secured it tightly, who even gives you permission to do that?

Louis' sight is back on Harry, but he feels disappointed when Harry is still staring at his empty plate. Louis is so confused as he doesn't know what's going to happen and what was Danielle talking about.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I'm so glad that we can gather in this lovely evening for this small dinner," Jay finally spoke up, and every eyes are on her.

"Some of you are probably wondering the real intentions of this dinner. Well, we have something important to tell everyone," Jay continues, "Mr Cowell, I'll let you to tell them,"

Simon clears his throat before starts, "In order to make our businesses bond stronger, we've decided, that, we will fix the marriage between Louis and Briana,"

Louis' eyes, which attached to Harry's face are now widens and of course he upset about this sudden announcement.

"Wait, what are you saying?" Louis almost chokes on his steak, he stares at Simon with bulging eyes. Then he looks at Harry, no response from the green eyed boy.

"You're marrying Briana, my beautiful daughter," Simon repeated in stern voice and he points out to Briana, who's now have a proud smile on her face.

"What? Are you joking? Mom, what the hell is going on?" He waves his hands and turns to Jay.

"Louis, calm down, I know, it sounds ridiculous, but try to think about our business okay?" Jay tried to calm Louis down before Simon pipes in,

"Yes, Louis. Imagine how big our business will be, Cowell-Tomlinson empires will be the most world famous well known company. Don't you want that?"

Louis fists his hands and he's so furious right now. "Is that what all you adults can think? A fucking business? How about our feelings, don't you ever think about that eh?"

Simon smirks, "We businessmen don't do relationship, not to mention the feelings, we don't have time to think about that. We're getting married when we were asked to. And yes, everything is business, Louis,"

Louis is so fired up, they still do this shit nowadays? He looks at Harry, but the poor just stay silent, Louis knows that he's not allowed to talk. But Louis can see the pain in his face. No, this can't be happening.

"You can't fucking do this to me! At least mom, we need to discuss about this!" Louis' raises his voice, because what he just listened now is really insane. Marrying some random girl that he doesn't know at all? And plus he already has a boyfriend for fucks sake. Now he knows the reason why Harry is acting strange.

"Did you already know about this Harry?"

Louis asked, his eyes searching for Harry's, but the curly boy is still looking down to his plate, and it's also surprised everyone in the room that Louis is actually talking to Harry.

"Harry?" Louis asked again, all attentions are on Harry, and Harry swears to god that he wants to fucking cry. He doesn't know what to do, what to answer.

Simon clears his throat again, "Louis, we don't need Harry's opinion about this,"

"Yes we do Simon!" Louis yelled and he smashes his hand on the table.

"Don't you people ask about others opinions for something like this? It's not something easy and small matter!"

"Yes, probably we do. But still, it has nothing to do with Harry,"

Louis finally gives in, he shakes his head and leans back to the chair. "I'm sorry I can't do this,"

"Then you need to provide us with a solid reason," Simon is still pushing, well you know Simon.

Louis takes a deep breath, closing his eyes and says, "I love Harry. That's the bloody reason,"

And the moment Harry name was mentioned, everyone in the room gasps, chattering with each other, and some of them make unpleasant faces. But then there's Jay, sitting quietly, sipping her tea calmly. She saw everything, she observed everything.

"Excuse me? did I hear you wrong?" Simon cringes at Louis' words, he's body is now full of anger, because did Louis really said that he loves his impecunious step son?

"I fucking love Harry, I'm not marrying anyone else, Simon," Louis stated clearly and he gets up from his seat, walking towards Harry, and the boy's face is pale, but still beautiful in Louis' eyes. He can see the fear in Harry's glassy tired eyes. Louis knows that he's been crying a lot.

"Let's go, let's get out of here, don't be afraid, yes?" he lends out his hands for Harry to take, and of course, without any doubt and hesitation, Harry reaches for Louis' hand, gripping it tightly, right in front of Simon's salad.

With intertwined fingers, Louis and Harry leave the house. Harry feels scared but somehow he feels safe that Louis' hand is holding his firmly, feels relieved that he doesn't have to hide their relationship anymore, although they have to tell everyone in this way.

All the chattering are now gone, the hatred and anger are taking over, especially for Briana. She was the one who supposed to get married to Louis, and now her bridegroom to be (in her dreams) is running away with her step brother! What the hell is going on! Simon is still in shocked, with his mouth agape, he blinks dumbly and turns to Jay, who is still sipping her tea.

"The tea is exceptionally good today, innit, Mr Cowell?"

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