The Ball

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The crowds slowly fill in the room. The house is so huge, it even has its own ballroom. Of course, it's belongs to the famous and the most illustrious businesswoman in London, but, even though she's so famous, Harry can't remember the name. Is it Thompson? Thomas? None of his business.

Harry is standing alone, Zayn is already nowhere to be found. He promised to be with Harry for the whole party. But yeah, Harry didn't believe any promise anymore.

He has this little feeling in his brain; regret. Because he followed Zayn here, ended up he doesn't know anyone, and nobody really care about him. Who wants to fit in with him anyway?

Well, he must do something. He just can't standing there like a dumb. He has gone this far, he must grab the chance. He straightens his suit, looking good, then he looks at his feet. God damnit, his pants is too short for him and his ankles are showing. It's Zayn's after all. Screw it, he's still going to find someone to start a conversation.

He scans all over the room and his eyes attached to someone who is standing alone across the tables. He is not wearing fancy suit like others, only a simple white shirt, a little bit loose on the neck.

Harry is sure that he is a waiter or a server or something, because who on earth will dressed up this simple in such a grand ball party? But he must admit, the man looks kinda hot.

He walks towards the man and greets him. "Hi can I have a glass of orange juice?"

The man looks confused, looking at Harry with his electric blue eyes, shining and directly striking his heart. Sounds cliché. The man in front of him just keep silent, but his eyes still staring into Harry's. What is wrong with this man?

"Hello, orange juice please," Harry repeated, this time, he's waving his hands in front of the man's face.

"Oh, right, sorry," the man finally returns to his reality. He looks around the table and finally he gives Harry his orange juice.

'Bad service. I could do better than that' Harry said in his mind.

"Are you new here? Haven't seen you around before," the man said as he puts his hand on his chin. Somehow that makes Harry nervous because this waiter is so handsome. He gulps his orange juice quickly while his eyes staring into the man's eyes. He doesn't know what to say.


Ah crap, this man can read his mind.

"I haven't been in a big party like this,"

The man chuckles, what's so funny, Harry thought.

"What's your name?"


"Well Harry, are you coming here alone?"

"With my friend, but he's no longer here,"

The man nods and drinks his orange juice as well, "How do you like this party?"

"It's okay. But I think rich people's world doesn't suit me,"

"And why is that?" the man furrows his eyebrows.

"I mean, look around, rich peoples everywhere, they only want to talk to high standard people, and abandon ordinary people like me, like you!"

The man looks confuse again, but he smiles.

"People like us?"

"Yeah. We are struggling for our live, like you, it must be hard for you to be a waiter isn't it? Serving those bunch of laughing wealthy people, never think about other's feelings,"

"Oh, well, I'm sure not every rich people are like that. I think the owner of this house is good,"

"Nah, I don't think so. They all are the same,"

"Have you meet them?"

"I don't have to meet them to know how their true colors," Harry said confidently. He feels relief, because at last he can let out his feelings. He feels proud of himself.

"Very well Harry. Everyone has their own opinions,"

"True, true," Harry nods, agreeing to this man. He takes another gulp of his orange juice.

"Umm, Harry?"


"I like your hair,"

Harry stops drinking and stares into the man's gorgeous eyes. This is so random but Harry can feels a gush of blood warming up his face. Did someone really tell him that they like his hair? A very handsome blue eyed man?

"D-do you really like my hair?"

"Yes. They look.. So soft. Can I touch it?"

Huh? Harry's eyes bulge. Why on Earth this man want to touch my hair?

"Oh my god this is so awkward, I mean who would ever let some strangers to touch their hair anyway. I'm sorry-"

"You can touch it," Harry abruptly said. He doesn't even know what has gotten into him.



The man walks closer to Harry and slowly reaches out for Harry's hair, Harry's eyes shut closed and his heart is beating so fast. The man almost touch Harry's hair when suddenly he heard a woman's voice.

"Louis! There you are!"

Both of them startled, Harry quickly opens his eyes and he sees a beautiful middle aged lady standing in front of them.

"Where on earth have you been? And why are you not dress up yet?" she asked.

"I already dressed up, mom," the man replied which makes Harry alarmed.

Wait what? Mom? How can a waiter has his mother here? Harry thought to himself.

"No young man, you're not wearing this for this party, go change now," the lady said to the man, before Harry catches her attention.

"And who is this gorgeous boy here?" the lady said, with his beautiful eyes staring at Harry up and down with admiration. The man was about to open his mouth when someone cuts his words.

"Harry! I looked for you everywhere," Harry finally heard a familiar voice, Zayn. Thanks to the Lord that Zayn is here, he was about to cry.


Zayn approaches them, together with his girlfriend, Perry. "Hi Louis, hi Mrs. Tomlinson, how are you?" he greeted the lady and the man.

"Hello Zayn and Perry. I'm fine, thank you. You're both look wonderful tonight!"

"Thank you, you too, always looking good, Mrs. Tomlinson," Perry said and the lady smiles warmly.

"Well Harry, looks like you already met the owner of the house, Mrs. Tomlinson and her son. Zayn said and pats the man's shoulder.

"H-her son?"

"Yes, this is Louis Tomlinson, one of the shareholder of this company. I thought you already know each other?"

"We do know each other Zayn, don't worry," the man, now that Harry knows him as Louis, winks his eye playfully.

Yes Harry knew him as a waiter, but not as the son of the famous and successful businesswoman. Harry shits his pants.

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