Save Me

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Louis is standing at the front yard and he stares at the huge mansion, also known as 'living hell' for Harry. He knows Harry is still in the house. He has to do something, but Simon is such a dangerous evil person, so he must have a proper plan. He slowly approaches the house, and presses the doorbell. A moment later, the door is open.

"Louis? What a surprise to see you here," a face that Louis really hates, appears behind the door.

"Actually, I have something to discuss with you, Mr. Cowell," Louis puts his hands in the pockets of his pants.

"Well, if it's about Harry, we have nothing more to talk,"

"No, it's not about, Harry," he feels so hard to mention the name of his love one. He paused for a while before continues, "It's actually about Briana,"

Simon opens the door wider, "What is it about?" He has an interested face now.

"Remember when you said that I should marry her? I decided that I agreed with it," Louis said after a long sigh.

Simon smiles widely with a bright face, "Finally, Louis. You've opened your eyes?"

"I've been thinking a lot, and finally made my decision,"

"Well it's the best decision. I'm so happy to hear this, you know," Simon laughs very loud, because the victory is now his.

Louis shrugs and he's faking a smile. Deep in his heart he wanna punch this old man's face.

"Can I see her?" Louis asked.              

"Err, umm, I can call her up and you two can talk here," Simon stuttered and Louis notices his voice changes.

"I want to talk to her in private. She's my future wife after all, right?" Louis smirks and smiles very fake.

Simon gulps and he starts to sweat, "Sure, come in," Louis can detect hesitation in his voice, which makes his assumption is right, Harry is still somewhere in the house.

Louis makes his way into the house, and his movements are watched closely by Simon. He knows something is not right and something on Simon's face. Worry and fear.

"Mr Cowell?" a voice startled both of them, and they look at the door in unison. It's Zayn.

"Hello, Zayn," Simon said and he glances at Louis.

"Can I have a word with you? It's about our companies collaboration projects," Zayn said as he steps inside the house.

Simon wipes his face with his hand, "Can we talk about it another time, Zayn? I have guest right now,"

"I'm afraid we can't, this is really urgent, Mr Cowell,"

"It's okay Mr Cowell. It's just me. Your future son in law, wanna meet my future wife. Nothing to worry about eh?" Louis smiles and he pats Simon's shoulder, while winking at Zayn.

"Very well," Simon sighed and his face is totally changed. He finally sits in the living room with Zayn, while Louis is walking to Briana's room. When he's out of Simon's sight, he quickly changes his direction to Harry's room. But the problem is, he doesn't know which one is Harry's room.

So he decided to look for Harry bluntly, and he opens the door randomly, following his heart's instinct. But not all heroes are always right, he surprised when the first room he enters is Danielle's.

"Louis? What are you doing here?" the girl brightens up of course, when she saw that handsome man entering her room.

"Are you here to see me? Oh! Are you actually secretly in love with me?" Danielle shrieked happily and Louis just facepalms himself.

"I'm looking for Harry, bye," Louis quickly try to slip out of the room but his hands is seized by Danielle. Damn this girl is faster.

"No! You don't need Harry, or Briana, I can keep you company and I will do anything that you ask me to do," Danielle said seducingly and she puts her head on Louis' shoulder which makes the boy flinches.

Louis quickly run away from her and he doesn't have any other choice than calling out for Harry.

"Harry? Are you here?" he shouted and he needs to act quickly before Simon heard him.

"Harry?" he tried again, walking faster in the hallway but suddenly his hand is grasped again by Danielle. This girl really.

"Louu, you don't need Harry, I'm all here for youuu," Danielle whined and she's clinging on Louis' hand. Uurghh this girl is just as annoying as his sister, Louis thought.

"Tell me which one is Harry's room,"

"You can come to my room instead, we can do so much things!" Danielle replied annoyingly only to get an eyeroll from Louis.

"Harry!" Louis ignores Danielle and he shouted again, this time louder, and finally he heard a weak tap on a door. He quickly pushes Danielle aside and rushes to the door and he knows that is Harry. He twists the door knob but it's locked.

"Harry! Are you in there?!" Louis asked furiously and he can only hear weak sobs from the inside of the room. He recognized that's Harry's voice.

Louis doesn't have a choice, the only thing he can do is to break into the room, but he doesn't have fucking time to find the key or an axe so he kicks the door with all forces and powers that he had while Danielle is yelling beside him. After several kicks and one 'shut the fuck up Danielle', the door finally opened.

"Lou," the first word that hit Louis' ears, and his knees are immediately become weak when he sees a small, weak and fragile body is curling up in front of him.

"Harry!" Louis shouted worriedly and he quickly holds his boyfriend's body, cradling him in his arms.

"Lou, you came," Harry's voice is so small, almost unheard by Louis. He can see tears are pooling in Harry's eyes.

"It's me, baby. Shhhh,"

Louis heart is mixing, hurts, pain, flame and anger, and as much as he wants to kick that old man's ass, he needs to calm his poor boyfriend, with bleeding forehead and nose, and gasping, barely able to breathe because of the fucking blood. Louis kisses the shivering boy's forehead.

"Save me, Louis. I'm scared," Harry cried and he clings on Louis like his life is depended on him, and it is.

"I'm here now, I'm gonna take you away and no one will ever hurt you anymore,"

He kisses Harry's forehead so many times, he would cry right now, seeing Harry's condition but his hate to Simon defeats everything. But he needs to take Harry out from this room first.

"Can you walk baby?" He smooches Harry's cheeks again and caresses it softly. Harry nods slowly and hardly try to stand up, breaking Louis' heart to see his struggle to walk.

Louis brings Harry's body closer to his, and he slowly lifts Harry up, bridal style.

"Lou, don't, I'm too heavy," Harry said weakly but Louis ignores him, he secures Harry's body tightly in his hands, despite he's smaller than Harry. Love makes him strong.

And Harry who's put all his trust in Louis, finally got relaxed in Louis' strong arms, hiding his face in Louis' neck, safe and sound. Louis kisses Harry's forehead again, before walks towards the door, to leave this damn place.

"Hold it!"

A voice suddenly appears from the door and Louis stops walking immediately.

Briana is standing at the door frame, with a gun in her hands, pointing at both of Louis and Harry.

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