8~ What Happened?

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Izuku fought through the pain and trudged on, he had to make sure she was safe. He finally had the dorms in view and was barely in the front lawn when the doors bursted open. He was startled by this and lost his footing. Come on, stupid leg! However, due to his injuries, he wasn't able to get back up. He saw all of his friends from Class 1-A coming towards him.  This reassured him that he was back, but that also meant that his adrenaline from earlier was starting to fade. He felt his consciousness start to fade, but he wasn't done yet, he still had to make sure that a certain someone was okay.

"Midoriya! You shouldn't be trying to move, lay down!" Iida told him. Izuku was in too much pain to argue, so he laid down on the soft green grass. He saw Iida crouched over him, trying to do first aid it seemed. Then he saw Todoroki walk into his field of vision and kneeled next to him, and gave him a reassuring soft smile. Then he saw Bakugo out of the corner of his eye with a slight look of worry on his face. Why are they so freaked out? I just have an injured leg and a couple of scratches. Little did he know that he had several broken bones in his leg, a gunshot wound in his shoulder, a serious head injury, a gaping wound in his abdomen where he had been stabbed and many other minor injuries.

"Deku!" There she is. The sweet soft voice he had been waiting to hear, that belonged to Uraraka. She came rushing over to help with his injuries, but found herself frozen and at loss for words. Todoroki saw her, and since he wasn't really helping, just trying to comfort his friend, he moved out of the way for her. Uraraka gave him a quick nod and a smile and turned her attention back to Deku. She took his hand and gave it a tiny squeeze. He could hear everyone's voices but they sounded muffled and distant, the only thing that mattered right now was her. Now that he knew all of his friends were safe, especially Uraraka, he could relax now. And just like that he felt his consciousness slipping away.


Izuku woke up with a pounding headache in, what looked like, a hospital room. He slowly moved his head so he could see his surroundings. To his right he saw his mom with her head on his bed, holding his hand,  fast asleep. He looked to his left and found Uraraka doing the same thing, although she had a blanket draped over her shoulders. Only mom. Izuku chuckled to himself. He noticed Uraraka started to stir and then she woke up.

"Oh, good you're awake! Inko!" She said as she started to gently shake the older woman.

"Yes? What is it?" She asked, then noticed her son was awake and gave him a hug. One that she normally would have been enough to squeeze the breathe out of him, but she had to be careful with his injuries. "My Izuku! You're awake, I'm so happy! I was scared to death! You were missing and then you suddenly show up with injuries that could have killed you!" She said as she started to cry while her hug started to get even tighter, like a python squeezing its prey.

"It's okay. I'm okay mom. But I kinda can't breathe." He said with a strained face.

"I'm so sorry. Are you okay? Do you need anything? How do you feel?" She asked, worried that she had hurt him.

"I'm good mom. I promise." He said, reassuring the woman. "How long have I been out?" He asked.

"Three days." Uraraka piped up. Izuku nodded his head, happy that so far almost everyone was safe.

"What happened Izu?" His mom asked gently, since it was a hard question to ask. He took a deep breathe and explained as much as he could.

"So you were seeing your worst fears?" Uraraka asked. Deku nodded his head yes. He didn't tell them what his fears were, it would be too hard to explain that he saw them die over and over again, or how he killed them, or did other things to them. "Do you know how?" She asked.

"There was a woman. I think it was her quirk. But she had a glow in her eyes- AGH!" He screamed, as a sudden headache came on and it felt like all he could see was the glowing golden eyes.

"What's wrong?" The two women asked. Worried that they had upset him or hurt him.

"Nothing it's just-AAAA" he screamed again, as the golden eyes felt like they were burning into his head.  What is this? It hurts so badly! What's happening? That's when he snapped.

Heyo! Sorry if it's bad. I'm always open to feedback. Hope you liked it. Enjoy your day/night!

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