19~ What She Saw

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When Ochako woke, she found Izuku asleep on her lap holding her hand, but then she heard voices. She turned and saw two people, there was man who looked like a doctor, and then a woman who had golden eyes that glowed. She was about to say something but then she realized she couldn't so she listened to their conversation.

"...he's fighting the connection, I can feel it." The woman said.

"Well figure it out, and quickly. Someone could walk in, I only bought us so much time." The man said.

"Okay, okay. Well in case you haven't noticed, it's hard to keep up a vision that he's fighting, while changing his memo- what?" She stopped, when the man lightly hit her in the arm, gaining her attention to see that the Ochako had woken up.

"Don't just stand there put her to sleep!" The man whisper shouted.

"Relax! Maybe I'm the one that should've been the 'doctor'" She hissed at him. She then walked over to a tray grabbed a syringe filled with a liquid, and injected it into Ochako's IV. As she was falling back asleep, she barely caught them say one more thing. "The memory's been changed, it's up to him now." Then she fully lost consciousness.


3 Days Later

This time when Ochako woke, she had a pounding headache and just wanted to go back to sleep. But then she looked over and saw that this time Deku was awake. She went to say something, but she couldn't speak again, then she noticed he was crying. She wanted to hold his hand so badly and to comfort him, but she couldn't move. She'd seen him cry before, but this was different. She could see the pain in his face. All she wanted was to hug him, but her injuries were telling her otherwise.

"Stupid, stupid, stupid..." He kept telling himself. Then he put his hands up to his face and that's when she saw bandages on his forearms. Whatever was underneath had started to bleed again, because the white was slowly turning red. Then her headache took over, and before she could say anything to the love of her life, she fell asleep


2 Weeks Later

~WARNING: Self-Harm Is Talked About~

Unlike before, Ochako had woken to shouting this time. She saw Mina and Momo on her left and right, Inko crying in the corner, and Kirishima was by the foot of her bed ready to defend. But Bakugo, Iida and Todoroki were shouting at Deku. What the hell? Then her heart dropped when she listened to what they were talking about.

"If you wanna just kill your self, then do it ya damn nerd!" Bakugo shouted.

"No! Bakugo, what the hell?! We're trying to help Midoriya." Todoroki said.

"He needs more than help!" Iida shouted at Todoroki, to which Todoroki just glared at him.

"Stop it! I'm right here idiots, I can hear everything you say! Kacchan! You can shut the fuck up, because technically, you're to blame for this shit show! And you know what? This might be the first time I actually take your advice! Todoroki! You, of all people, don't get to judge me, asshat! And Iida! You know, I'm glad you finally told me how you feel about me!" Deku yelled at all of them, finally fed up with their bullshit.

"I'm to blame? I'm to fucking blame?! It may be my fault that Round Face is like that! But I'm not the one that fucking told you to go slit your god damn wrists!" Bakugo shouted.

"Bakugo shut the hell up! You're not helping!" Todoroki yelled, shooting a death glare towards him.

"It's true! No person ever recommended self harm to Midoriya! And he's partially to blame for Uraraka's condition!" Iida shouted, pissing Deku off further.

"Don't you think I fucking know that!" Deku shouted while running towards Iida, but Bakugo and Todoroki held him back. They then dragged him out of the room, even though he was screaming at them and fighting back.

"Guys look." Mina said, finally noticing that Ochako was awake. However, due to everything that just went down, the brunette started to have a panic attack. "It's okay, breathe Ochako, breathe. Kiri, go get a doctor. You're safe, Ochako, we're right here." The doctor then rushed in and gave her another sedative, and she fell asleep.


1 Month Later

Ochako had fully woken yesterday, and since she was doing so well, she was being discharged today. She was just finishing packing up when she heard her door open. She turned and saw her fluffy green haired boyfriend.

"Hey, do you have a minute to talk?" He asked, she nodded and sat on the edge of her bed, while he took a seat on the stool across from her.

"So what's up?" She asked, knowing he had something specific reason for being here.

"I wanted to apologize, they told me you were awake during the fight. But, I'm better now, I don't do it anymore. Now I can be here for you, if you still want me to." He said, taking both of her hands in his.

"Of course I do. I love you Izuku. I told you before, nothing you do will ever make me stop loving you. So, I'm glad you're better, because I missed my Deku." She said, kissing his cheek. He smiled, and kissed her forehead. He grabbed her bag, in one hand and had hers gloved hand in the other.

"Come on, I'm tired of this room."

Ta da! Sorry about the sensitive topics. Don't worry I'm not done. But, this story will come to an end soon. Hope you liked it. Enjoy your day/night!

𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐲 𝐖𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐌𝐞~~𝖠𝗇 𝖨𝗓𝗎𝗈𝖼𝗁𝖺 𝖥𝖺𝗇𝖿𝗂𝖼Where stories live. Discover now