13~ After

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Aizawa walked up to the group of students that had gathered in the common room with only three thoughts in mind.
1. This better not have to do with Midoriya or Bakugo
2. Why am I a teacher?
3. What day is it?

"Mr. Aizawa! I-I don't know what happened! I'm sorry, I'm so sorry!" Deku said standing up and bowing continuously.

"Ok, I get it. Bakugo, go to Recovery Girl's Office, Tsuyu take Uraraka to her room, and Midoriya come with me. Everyone else go to your dorms." Aizawa said. Everyone went to where they were told, and Midoriya was internally freaking out, for he had no idea where Mr. Aizawa was taking him. Eventually they made it to Principal Nezu's office. Aizawa knocked and was told to come in, and Midoriya followed close behind.

"Ah hello Aizawa, what can I do for you?" Nezu said, curious as to why he brought along a student.

"Midoriya here attacked another student. However he was provoked and unaware of his actions." The Eraser Hero said, tired of his problem child.

"What do you mean unaware of his actions?" Nezu questioned.

"Go ahead explain." Aizawa said, turning his attention to Midoriya.

"It was like at the hospital, I got this headache, and the room started to spin after I remembered something from my kidnapping." Midoriya explained.

"So, remembering whatever this item is, caused a trigger to go off, making you blackout and unaware. However it is strange that you get violent." Nezu said, thinking through everything like it was a puzzle that he had to solve. Both Midoriya and Aizawa has nothing to say and just nodded. "Well, I'll leave the punishment to you, and Midoriya, try to avoid any kind of extreme anger, it looks like that can set it off too." They nodded, said their goodbyes and left. Aizawa walked Midoriya back to the dorms, but right when they were on the front lawn, Aizawa stopped and turned to Midoriya.

"You are on house arrest for three days, you must clean the entire dorms, and you are suspended from any combat training for a week." Aizawa told him tiredly.

"Yes sir." Midoriya said, bowing. He started walking away, towards the door, until Aizawa called him.

"Midoriya! You might want to go check on her." He said then walked off into the night. Midoriya knew perfectly what he meant and started heading towards his girlfriends room.


Izuku has just arrived at her room, and gently knocked. He heard shuffling and a moment later she answered the door. Her hair was slightly messy, she had swollen red eyes, meaning that she had been crying, and she looked exhausted. The regular happy Uraraka, gone. When she saw who was at her door she half hid behind her door.

"What do you want?" She said, still afraid and upset from earlier. However Izuku didn't answer instead he just pushed the door opened and hugged her. He rest his head on her shoulder and started to cry.

"I'm sorry. I'm so so sorry." He said, apologizing like there's no tomorrow. She just took his face in her hands and looked him dead in the eye.

"You don't have to be sorry. It's not your fault that you blackout, out of pure rage. It's not your fault that you choked me. It's not your fault that you were kidnapped, and brainwashed, and tortured. You don't have to be sorry for any of that." She said taking him into a hug, reassuring him.

" I love you so much, Uraraka."



"We're dating now, so you can call me Ochako." She said, happy that she was finally dating him

"Then you can call me Izuku!" He said, with his million dollar smile. They then stayed up talking about whatever they wanted. Izuku eventually went to get up and leave but Uraraka made him stay and they fell asleep in each other's arms, unaware that someone had been thinking of a way to kill one of them.

Boom! There it is! Sorry that took so long, had a little bit of a writers block, but I figured it out. Hope you liked it. Enjoy your day/night!

𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐲 𝐖𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐌𝐞~~𝖠𝗇 𝖨𝗓𝗎𝗈𝖼𝗁𝖺 𝖥𝖺𝗇𝖿𝗂𝖼Where stories live. Discover now