12. When the Walls Break Down

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< Their Setting

< Their Setting

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(Liam's P.O.V.)

Maybe I could tell him that Ivory was sick again, or maybe I could say that I had to work overtime.

You have an off today, dumbass!

"Ugh!" I let out an exhausted groan, scanning my wardrobe.

Completely useless! I thought as I threw my shirts to the floor one by one.

What did people wear on dates?

Why was I even acting like this?

It's not like I had never been on a date before. But then again, considering how my last date, which had also been my first date, had ended, it wasn't a surprise that I didn't want to go.

I shook the undesired images out of my head. That was years ago, no need to freak over it now.

I sighed and pushed the unruly strands of my hair away from my eyes. It was useless, they kept falling back over them.

I stared at the mess of clothes on my floor.

Shit. What the heck was I going to do?

Someone cleared their throat. I turned to find Ivory leaning on the door frame, her arms crossed in front of her. I felt heat rise up to my cheeks as I scanned my brain for a worthy excuse.

"Not gonna ask." She raised her hands up in defense. I almost sighed in relief but then her mouth opened again. "But . . . if you're going out somewhere and it just so happens to be a date—"

"It's not!" I denied, almost out of reflex.

“—right, I know. You don't date. My point is, you look nice in blue," she continued, pulling out a dark blue hoodie and a pair of black ripped jeans from the mess and threw them at me.

I caught the clothes before they could hit my face. "It's not a date." I repeated, I didn't want Ivory to think that it was. I didn’t want to think that it was.

"Sure." A smirk creeped up on her lips, causing me to scowl. Before I could say anything, she disappeared back into her room, to do god knew what.

Well . . . at least I had an outfit now.

I mentally thanked her and went to shower before changing into the hoodie and jeans. I tried to hurry as fast as I could so that I would already be out by nine. If Alex got the chance to hit the doorbell, Ivory would somehow get there first and taunt me for days with that knowing smile of hers.

I was just zipping up my jeans when the doorbell rang.

Fuck! I cursed, glancing at the clock. It was nine. I ran to the stairs, hoping that Ivory wouldn't have opened the door.

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