Forever // Light & Darkness

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Forever, what a unique word,

Used so often, so openly,

"I swear I'll keep it forever!"

"You and I forever!"

"You are my forever!"

What is this "forever"?

There is no such thing as it,

In fact a duration like that cannot possibly exist.

Everything eventually comes to an end.

Relationships end, people die,

Loss of interest, loss of objects,

The promise of "forever" doesn't last.

All of us break out "forever" promises,

Admit it you've done it at least once,

Thus proving that there is no such thing like it.

We're all incapable of commitment,

And it is humanly impossible to create a "forever".

It just cannot exist.

Don't break your heart by thinking it does.


Light & Darkness

Human beings are quite similar to moths,

Those tiny creatures fluttering their wings,

They seek light, an obsession they have,

But it's attraction to them causes their end.

Us on the other hand,

Are drawn towards darkness,

We seek it's attention and crave for the closure it provides.

Begging for it's attention,

The darkness grows on us,

The cold seeping into our soul,

And us enjoying every bit of it,

But at the most unprecedented time,

It leaves our soul frozen,

So frozen that we are as good as the dead.

Beware it's all a game of light and darkness.

- A

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