3: Reasons

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Varian have no idea why he was actually doing this.

Maybe because it's the Queen who ordered him to do it. Maybe because he wanted to bring back the kindness that Rapunzel gave him. Maybe because he's doing this for a friend.

Maybe because he, himself, wanted to find her.

He groaned and shook his head, trying to disregard the last thought that popped into his mind.

He certainly didn't want to search for the woman who kidnapped him — granted, he almost did kill her when he was fourteen.

But still, he doesn't want to think about her.

And no. He's seriously aren't bitter because Cassandra never say goodbye to him before she left.

No. He's definitely not bitter.

He quickly packed the things he would be needing for the trip, remembering the ghost of Rapunzel's voice in his head.

"You will be leaving the castle at night. And know this, Varian — never ever let anyone know, specially Eugene, that you are searching for Cassandra."

The dark-haired man sighed and reached his hand to pet his partner, Ruddiger.

"I'm afraid that you'll be staying in here, bud."

The raccoon chittered sadly and stared at him.

"I don't like it, too, buddy but I know that you'll be able to take care of the lab," he explained, giving his partner a pat in the head.

His eyes landed on the map Rapunzel gave him – he almost forgot about it.

"This is the map that you'll be using," the brunette instructed.

She pointed at the red dots that was visible in the map.

"Those red things you see in the map, that would be the places where Cassandra was last sighted."

The man furrowed his eyebrows. "Uh, Rapunzel, where did you managed to find this sources?"

The girl gave her a sheepish smile, "I have my ways."

Varian shook his head, remembering the Queen's behavior. Even without the sundrop, Rapunzel still managed to do a lot of surprising things.

He folded the map and placed it in his satchel. Afraid to forget anything again — he decided to double check his things.

Smoke and sticky bomb - check.
Food that will last for 2-3 days - check.
A pouch filled with money - check.
Some alchemy tools (just in case) - check.
Map - check.
Pocket knives - check.

His hand unconsciously touched the sword on his waist. Ever since he turned 18, once a week, Eugene will always give him time and teach him how to defend himself and use a sword. Sometimes, it was Lance or his dad who acted as a substitute if Eugene has a packed up schedule. He's really lucky to have Team Awesome in his life.

He told him that he didn't need it — since he have the amazing alchemy in his side — but the older man insisted. Saying that he doesn't want his number 1 fan to get hurt.

He doesn't actually if he's making any progress after all this years but at least he knows how to use a sword — although they did told him that he have the skills.

He chuckled at those thoughts. Time really do past by fast when you're with the people you love.

Ruddiger climed his way towards the table and chittered — snapping him out of his thoughts.

"Oh, I better go now before everyone wakes up." He stroked his friend's fur. "Bye, Ruddiger."

He walked towards the door and let out a sigh before opening it.

"I have a woman to find."


Very sorry for the late update. I swear, this chapter had been written on my notebook for 3 days! I just don't have enough time to type all of it since my mom took my phone as a punishment.

Btw, I'm planning to post another Cassarian fanfic. 🤣 it was inspired of a song that I heard, I still don't know when I would be publishing but it'll be a King Varian AU.  :>

Hope y'all like this chapter!

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