5: Feeling

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Varian, exhausted and tired, sat down under a tree. It's leaves protecting him from the hot rays of the sun.

The man let out a sigh of frustration, clutching the map tightly in his hand.

It's been 2 days since he last left Corona. Walking and walking day and night, not knowing if he'll have some progress in every hour he spent. He's starting to regret denying the Queen's offer to have him travel with a horse.

The 20-year old man stared at the map. Only a few more miles then he'll be able to reach Vardaros — the nearest place where Cassandra was last sighted.

He still got a lot more walking that he needs to do. He sighed, sweat dripping from his forehead, he quickly wiped it with a towel.

He can do this. He just need to stand up and walk. He can step his game up but first...

He need some rest.

Varian let his back comfortably lay on the grassy ground. The leaves blocking his view of the sky but he didn't mind it. He just smiled and closed his eyes, letting himself fall into a deep sleep.

"Varian, kid, wake up."

Varian groaned and shifted to the side. "5 more minutes, Ruddiger," he mumbled.

"Wake up!" The racoon shouted — or at least he thought the racoon stated.


Since when do Ruddiger can talk?

His eyes snapped open as realization dawned on him. The Queen, Cassandra, the map.

Oh right. His task.

But who was waking him up?

His eyes widened at the sight of an acquaintance in front of him. It's Captain Quaid. His brown eyes staring at him with curiosity, his sheriff badge sparkling.

He first met him at the Corona's Goodwill festival two years ago with his deputy, Vex. He only got to talk to him once as a Royal Engineer and he could say that he is a nice and respectable man — it's no wonder that Rapunzel invited him.

The man reached out a hand to him which he gladly accepted and stood up.

"What are you doing in the forest, Kid?" He asked, his eyes examining the blue eyes boy.

"I-uh," he hesitated. "The Queen gave me a task to do something for her."

"And what would that be?" The captain asked, furrowing his eyebrows.

Varian debated with himself. Should he tell him? Could he trust him? He doesn't know.

After all, he was tasked to find the former Corona enemy no. 1. Cassandra was one of the most wanted person until Rapunzel ascended to the throne and she used her influence to stop spreading hate towards her former lady-in-waiting.

Varian let out a sigh of defeat. If Rapunzel can trust him, then so does he.

"I was tasked to find Cassandra and bring her back to Corona," he answered.

Surprisingly, the older man smiled. "Oh, Cassandra? She was just at Vardaros two days ago."

His eyes widened. "Really?"

"I'm not kidding, kid."

"How is she? Is she fine? Is she well? How does she look? Is she—" the captain cuts him off.

"Slow down, kid. Yes, she's fine and well. She's still the same Cassandra we met. She ever participated on some of the town's activities," he explained.

Varian didn't know why he acted like that. It's like his mouth has a mind of it's own. He's really worried about her.

Could it be that he still have feelings for her? It can't be, right? It was just a silly 14 year old crush before. A lot of things had change.

It's not the same anymore.


Finally, an update! It's been weeks, I guess?

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