4: Faith

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The dark-haired man flinched when he heard his name being called — in the middle of the night. This is not good.

He turned to see King Eugene giving him a suspicious look.


"I told you, Eugene is fine." He crossed his arms. "What are you doing up so late in the middle of the night?" He took a step towards him.

Varian quickly thought of a excuse. "I was night strolling!" He panicked.

Eugene's eyes narrowed at Varian, "In a travelling clothes?"

"Yes?" Varian knew that Eugene wasn't buying his excuse.

Eugene let out a sigh. "You don't need to lie. I know that Rapunzel put you up into this just to find Cassandra."

Varian opened his mouth to say something but decided against it.

"You better go now before they wake up," he advised.

The younger man's eyes widened. "Y-you're letting me go?"

The king nodded. "Yes. I know that Rapunzel refused to tell me about it because she's afraid of my reaction — I overheard the both of you at the lab — but I have all my faith in her. I know that she's doing the right thing. I love her."

Varian gave Eugene a warm smile. Next to his parents, Varian find the couple, Eugene and Rapunzel, the best.

"You really do love her," he commented.

Eugene chuckled, "More than anything and one of the things I learned from her is that you have to put your trust on the people you love."

Varian can't help but be touched by his words. He wondered how the Queen would react if she heard this.


"Bye. Stay safe, kid."

"You, too." He turned around and walked away only to stop when he heard his name being called again.

"Varian, wait!"

The alchemist turned to Eugene, "What?"

"Do you think I look good with a mustache or not?"

Varian gave him a look of disbelief, his jaw dropped. Is he really serious with that question?

"Oh, come on! Don't give me that look!" Eugene whined, a frown plastered on his face. "I was going to ask you that question before I overheard your conversation with Blondie."

Oh. He's serious.

It took Varian a few second before he managed to think of an answer. "You actually look good with anything."

"You know what," he thought. "You're right! I do look good with anything!" He stated, smiling big and wide.

Varian held out his laughter at his reaction. "Yeah."

"Well, you better go now," he persuaded.

Varian nodded and decided to run his way out of the castle.

It's time for the real journey to begin.

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