Sneak Peak

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The dark haired girl turned around and saw a young boy running towards her.

She let out a chuckle. That boy really is a tough one. She told him tons of times that he can't join her on her journey but he's persistent.

"I told you already, Michael." She started as the boy reached her, hands on his knees and catching his breath. "You can't come with me."

"But I wanted to watch you on your journey! You're so amazing when you fought those bandits and —" she cut the boy's word off.

"I'm glad that you like it but I'm sorry, the real world isn't filled with fun and games. It's too dangerous," she explained.

The boy frowned. "But I just want to be with you. I like you." He confessed.

Cassandra's mind wandered back to Varian as he said those words. She quickly shook her head— there's no good to think about him now. Everything had changed.

Cassandra leaned down and gave him a pat on the head. "Say, do you realize that that is just a silly crush, right? You're still a kid." She smiled and stood up straight. "Once you grow old enough to travel, then you can come with me."

The boy's eyes' sparkled in delight. "Really?"


This is just a short sneak peak on Cassandra's life. And this is also just a short exercise for me since I've comeback from a few days break on writing.

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