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While writing this chapter I forgot that Eli and Alexis are older than Brooklyn. I wrote them a bit young and am to lazy to fix it, so just role with it for this one chapter. I'll make them seem their actual age for the rest of the story, I promise.

You are my home, Jo Wilson.

"Mommy! Daddy, you're home!" Alexis squeals as she runs over to me and wraps her tiny arms around my neck as I kneel down to her height. "I missed you daddy. I really did" she wispers in my ear.

"I missed you too, babygirl." I kiss her cheek lightly and pry her off of me. "Go give your mom a hug." 

She skips the two steps towards Izzie, who is holding Eli in her arm. "Hi mommy! I missed you." Eli wriggles out of his mother's embrace and lifts his hands up for me to pick him up. Together we walk into the house and tell the kids stories about our intern years and what it was like seeing our old friends again.


I'm lying in the bed beside Izzie. I'd like to call it 'our' bed but it's not, it's Izzie's bed. Ever since we went back to Seattle, Izzie hasn't felt like home anymore. Scratch that, Izzie has never been home to me, I just never realised that untill now. I thought I could deal with leaving Jo because then I could be a father to my kids. I feel plain stupid now. Jo was, still is, my entire world and more. She's the love of my life, even my love for my kids can't change that. 

"Alex, are you okay?"

"Um yeah, I was just thinking."

"About what?"


Izzie lets out a huff, clearly frustrated at the lack of information. "Babe, please talk to me. What's on your mind?"

My ex-wife. The love of my life. My kids in Seattle. The pretty blue eyes that I miss so much. Robin's tiny squeals and babbling noices.  "Nothing much, Iz. It's fine, just drop it." I lean in and kiss her lips gently. "Don't worry so much." I can tell my short answers have offended her a bit but I'm not in the mood to clear everything up.

Izzie rolls herself over so that she's resting on top of my torso. She looks up at me with her brown eyes. Not the eyes I wish I could see though. She taps my chest lightly with her index finger and say softly,  "Alex please, I'm here, I love you. Please talk to me, I might be able to fix whatever is going on. I don't like being left in the dark. Please talk to me."

"You can't. You can't fix it, but it's nothing, don't worry. Everything is fine. Now let me sleep."

"No, I want to know. I think I have the right to know what's going on!" she's getting mad now and that's pissing me off more.

"Leave me be. I'm going to sleep on the couch." I snap at her, standing up and slipping my socks on. I ignore her protests and quietly tiptoe downstairs, so I don't wake up the kids. Grabbing a wool blanket I lie down on the couch and within seconds I'm fast asleep.

Sunlight pools into the shed and a feeling of relief washes over me. Maybe now someone will here us and get us out of here so we can get married. My relief is short lived as Jo lets out a terrified scream. I jump forward and swing myself around to face my soon to be wife. She's still crouched on the ground and beside her is a skeleton. 

"Yeah, maybe I shouldn't have seen the dress."  

To my surprise Jo starts laughing. "We had sex next to a corpse on our wedding day." 

This statement makes me laugh even harder. Maybe we shouldn't have seen each other and we definitely  shouldn't have run off to have sex right before we had to get married. At least this will be a funny story to tell our kids.

I wake up to Alexis standing over me with her long blonde hair tickling my chest. "Morning, dad. Mommy made breakfast. Lets eat!" 

I follow her to the kitchen and see that Izzie has indeed made breakfast. Pancakes and bacon. Not a bad way to start the day, I guess. "Mornin' Iz. This smells great." I try to sound cheerful but I'm pretty sure I failed drastically at it. 

"Thanks." was all she answered, clearly she's still mad about last night so I decide to not start a conversation with her. Instead I check my phone for any new messages. I won't admit it but secretly I'm hoping Jo replied.

I trype in Jo Wilson and pull up her contact. For a few seconds I just stare at her photo. There she is in her white wedding dress, which is now completely covered in fake bood, she's standing facing me while I say "I do." I zoomed the photo in so that you can only see her because I didn't want Izzie to look through my contacts and find out about my marriage to Jo that way.

You are my home, Jo Wilson. 

11:15 seen

She saw it but she didn't answer. I feel stupid for expecting she would.

First chapter! Yay! This chapter is boring and simple, I know. As you can tell I changed my writing style a tiny bit compared to Stay Till Midnight. Feel free to leave comments, tips and even requests!

With school starting back up, I won't be able to write quite as much but I'll try to update at least once a week.

Make sure to vote and comment!

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