Risking it all

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"Well guys, it looks like you're not pregnant."

I sigh in relief as Amelia's words sink in. I won't have to go through it again. Being a single mom of two is hard enough, I can't imagine what it would be like with three. A small smile creeps over my face. Is it okay that I'm happy? Does that make me a bad person?

I cast a quick glance at Alex and notice he looks a bit upset. Why? We aren't together. He's with Izzie. What we had was a one time thing. He has nothing to be upset about. Or at least not much.

Alex turns on his heels and makes his way back to the car. I give Amelia a nod and wisper my goodbye then follow my ex-husband's tracts to the vehicle. He's already sitting in the drivers seat staring out the window facing away from me.

I get in beside him and we drive back to the house silently.


"Alex, what's wrong? It's not like we were trying for a baby. We aren't even together! Why are you so upset?"

"I guess I wanted a chance to do it right. To support you through the pregnancy, be there when the baby's born." He says quietly while sitting himself down on the couch.

I make my way towards him and settle down beside him. He glances at my direction then continues. 

"I wish I had been there for you, both times. Jo, I'm such an idiot. Leaving you for Izzie was the easy way, but also the wrong way. I should've figured something to be in my kid's lives without blowing up our marriage-"

My eyes begin to water as his words wash over me. Oh how I dreamed of hearing them, but I never thought he's say it. 

"I convinced myself it was the right thing to do. I'm an idiot, Jo. And I'm so, so sorry for that." He places his right hand on my cheeck to brush away the tears that are now flowing freely down my face. 

After a few seconds he averts his gaze. Standing up from his seat on the couch, he slowly walks away. 

"I-I have to go clear my head." he murmurs as he passes me.

Great. Now he finally says those words and walks out on me...again. It's not forever though, I try to convince myself. Not this time.


If Alex wanted time, I'd give him time. But I'm not waiting aroung in an empty house until he shows up. So I grab my wallet and head to the bar.

"Tequila please." I ask the bartender. I usually order beer but right now I need something more. Maybe a glass of wine after this? Mama needs booze.

I easily down two shots of tequila and a glass of wine before I spot a familiar face walking towards me. Not Alex. A woman with dark hair, blue eyes and a devilish smile. 

"Easy on the booze there doctor, you don't want to get too hungover." She says with a sly grin.

"I am way past the point of caring, Anna." I state without looking her way. My ex-sister-in-law seats herself beside me, twirling a strand of dark hair between her fingers. 

"Fine, next round is on me."

"Who says I want a drinking buddy? And shouldn't you be at the hospital with your daughter, or have you abandoned her in a time of need?" I snap at her.

Anna stares at me in utter shock. What seems like a minute later, she's able to muster out: "That was a bit harsh, don't you think?"

"No, not really." I shrug and order another glass of wine.

"I forgot you were such a savage drunk."

"I Just speak the cold hard truth."

Anna's short temper snaps. But unlike her brother, she lashes out with words, not fists.

Okay so let's just say the kids are having a sleepover at amelink's house bc I forgot about them...oops.

I'm so sorry for the long wait! I wrote this chapter three times and this is how it turned out.

I'm so excited for the next chapter! It'll give you guys more of an idea about her relationship with Paul and everything he did to her. I personally wish we would've gotten more detail on the show. 

Plus you'll see more of Anna's side of the story. Rn I think Anna might be written like an unlikeable character but I'm hoping that'll change in the next chapters. 

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