Cards on the table

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"Damn it!"

I reach for a kitchen towel to clean the spilt coffee from the counter. I had woken up for the tenth time this morning at 5am so I decided to make myself a cup of coffee. Of course it's just my luck that I end up spilling it all over my pants and the countertop. 

After my eye-opening conversation with Anna I got home and fell asleep on the couch. It wasn't exactly what you would call a peaceful night. My dreams were haunted by Paul's face. Eyes dark with lust or vicious anger, he was my nightmare. As a kid I used to comfort myself by saying that nightmares weren't real, but now I didn't have that comfort. They were more than a scary dream, they were my past. Everything I ever wanted to forget.

I thought I was okay. I thought I was over it. What Paul did to me was so many years ago. I have a job, friends that I'm lucky to call family and two gorgeous little girls. I've come so far from being the scared teenager living in a car, sleeping beside a gun. I'm a grown woman and yet I can't shake that overwhelming fear ever since Anna has come to town.

"You had a rough night, huh?"

I gasp and spin around towards the angle of the voice behind me. It's Alex. Then it hits me. What the hell is he doing here?When did he get here? Why is he in my house? And how did he even get in? Well, Meredith probably let him in.

My eyes flash open. I swerve my head from side to side, expecting Paul to be waiting for me to regain consciousness. But instead I find myself on the couch of Meredith Grey's house and sitting on the opposite couch is my other ex-husband. Alex.

"It's alright, Jo. It was just a dream." He says in a soothing tone. 

"Alex, when did you get here?"

"I got out of surgery and Meredith said I could crash here for the night. I arrived around the time you started screaming some pretty mean words."

"Oh, um haha. I'm sorry." I reply awkwardly.

"It's okay." he says and gives me a reasuring smile but after a few seconds it falters. "You were dreaming about Paul, huh?"

I nod. "Yeah, the nightmares started again."

He takes a step towards me. His eyes meet mine and all I see is soft, loving support. Damn it, Alex. You're really making it hard for me to hate you. 

"When did they start?" he asks, his tone feather soft.

"Just last night. Anna she told me-" 

I close my eyes, fighting the tears that threaten to fall. Flashes of last night dance through my head. Everything that Anna said, everything what Paul did, played out infront of me as if I were outside my body.

"You want the thruth?! Fine, that's what you'll get. Remember when he beat you so hard in the diner bathroom that your eyes were swollen shut and you couldn't see?!"

My head snaps back as Paul hits me square in the face. I, well little me to be exact, Brooke wimpered in pain before he stiked again. This time causing her to fall unconcious to the floor.

"-that was me! Unfortunately, your best friend and boss Corinda Hale also has the same colour hair as me and lives in that appartment, so she got your graditude instead!"

"I did everything in my power to keep you safe, Brooke!"

"-she told me that she helped me after he, you know, beat me." I choke out. 

Alex doesn't say anything. He once again steps closer and wraps his arms around me. For the first time in a very long time, I truly let go of everything....and cry.

I'm sorry for this terrible chapter. I honestly kinda hate it but I wanted to update because I haven't since September. 

So who has seen the new greys episodes? What's your opinion? 

They left me ruined tbh. I was a sobbing mess for hours.


I'm not sure what I think about jovery. I liked them as a crackship but now that Jo asked for sex and almost did have sex with him, I've realised my jolex heart isn't ready for her to move on yet.
Oh and since Alex left in March and s17 starts in April, I'm still kinda wishing for Jo to be pregnant with Alex' baby. I just want a jolex baby *inserts crying emoji* 

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