Out of my mind

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2 month later

You're my home, Jo Wilson.

Jo? When would work for me to visit?

                                                                  I have next weekend off

Great I'll book a flight

Say hi to the kids from me

                                                                   I will

"So, are you excited for Alex to visit?" Amelia asks me with a cheeky grin.

I role my eyes at her. "Alex is coming to see his kids, he probably doesn't care if he sees me or not. So why should I care about his visit?"

Shepherd and I were having breakfast, wait let me rephrase that, we were eating cold pizza because we don't have time to make anything, when Alex' message came through. It's been two months and to be honest, I thought he had forgotten about us. Or maybe he just didn't care. Or he's too busy but he still thinks about us, the small voice in my head that wanted to see him would say.

"Oh come on, Jo. That man cheated on Izzie twice with you, so of course he'd want to see you!" Amelia's voice cuts through my train of thoughts. 

"It didn't mean anything. We were both just there you know."

"Oh sweetheart, that makes no sense. If he truly loved Izzie then nothing would've happened the first time and there would NOT have been a second."

"Well I don't know. It was a no feelings kind of thing, it didn't mean much."

"Woah woah wait, give me a second, let me clean out my ears from all the bullshit you're spouting."

I roll my eyes at my friends words. Perhaps there were feelings from my side but I was probably just a good lay for Alex. Or a temporary lapse of judgement. He left me for Izzie, there is no way he'd leave Izzie for me. 

Well, why did he send you that text then? Huh? The voice in the back of my head says. Maybe he does love me? Seriously Jo? Of course he loves you but he doesn't love you enough. You have always been second to Izzie. Deep down you've always known that. You were sharing your husband with the memory of his ex and the moment he called her, the memory became more than just a memory. That's when you lost him. The only reason he didn' leave you that day was because of Meredith. 

"Well, I gotta go, I'm being paged. Will you take my kid to daycare?" Amelia snaps me out of my trance.

"Oh, yes of course. Go get outta here. Go save some lives!" I call after her as she runs to her car.

.................................. time jump

Jo? When would work for me to visit?

                                                                 I have next weekend off

Great I'll book a flight

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