Your perfect imperfections

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Three days after I burst into tears the morning after my nightmares, when Alex held me while I sobbed for hours, he went back to Kansas. It's now two months later and we still keep contact, mostly for the kids. We've been talking about telling Brooklyn that he's her dad next time he comes back. He also said he'd tell Izzie about me and the kids. That could either end well or it could end terrible.

"Hiyah! I figured you haven't had lunch yet so I brought food from that new place around the corner. Louise, or something like that." Anna announces her arrival in her typical loud way. After her daughter's surgery, she started to rent an appartement here so Heather doesn't have to fly so soon after recovery. She says it's only temporary but I think she kind of likes Seattle a bit too much.

"Hm, that smells good. What did you bring?"

"Pasta! Here dig in." She shoves the box of spaghetti carbonara into my hands with a smile. I'll never admit it to her but I actually like having her around. We've set our past behind us and are moving forward as friends. No talk of Paul or anything from back in Boston, that's our unspoken rule.

"When's lover boy coming back from his make-shift family?" 

"Anna," I groan. "Do we have to talk about him?"

"Yes, yes we do. You've been moping ever since he left.

"I don't mope!"

"Oh, you totally do! Admit it, you still love him!"

"So what if I do?" I ask while scooping pasta onto my white plastic fork. "He's my ex-husband, the love of my life. Of course I have a special place in my heart for him."

She gives my a sly knowing grin. You underestimate how well I know you. "Oh, you know it's more than that. And he loves you too."

"So what? We're never getting back together?"

"Let's agree to disagree, shall we? But if you guys decide to get married, I already have the wedding planned."

"You what?!" I burst into laughter. Gosh, it's been so long since I've felt this light and care free. The kids are out with Amelia and Link at an amusement park, Heather is with Anna's fiancé who I didn't know existed till four days ago, so it's just us girls having some free time.

"Meredith has some fancy wine downstairs, want me to go get some?" I ask once the laughter died down.

"I can't say no to that, can I? Might as well bring up two bottles."

Three hours later Anna and I are wasted. Not only did we finish three bottles of Meredith's expensive wine, we also found her secret Tequilla stash. Let's just say today is not going to end well.

"Hey, this is my firssstt day off of motherhood." I slur, uh oh I haven't been this drunk in quite a while. I'm lying on the couch with my feet tossed up above me and my arm holding the (almost empty) bottle of Tequilla dangling over the edge.

Anna groans as she lifts herself off the ground. "I better go, my uber's here."

"Y-your whaatt? When did you call an uber? Anna, waaaiit! Why are you going?" I whine, hoping she'll stay longer. If I'm going to be honest, I really don't want to be alone right now. My mind has been full of Alex, who know what my intoxicated brain will make me do? 

"I have to sober up before Heather and Rob get home. I'm sorry, I wish I could stay longer but I didn't expect to drink so much. Don't do anything stupid, I'll check up on you later!" With that she half marches, half stumbles out the door and into her ride.

Well great, now I'm bored. I pick up my phone and search for Amelia's name in my contacts. While scrolling, a different name catches my eye. Alex Karev. No, nope, don't do it! My fingers seem to move on their own accord when they hit the dial button. 

After about four rings he answers. "Hey, Jo. I'm at work is everything okay?" He sounds worried. Oops, I didn't mean to worry him. Oh God, I'm so drunk. 

"Ohhhh no, everything's just fineeee." I slurn, this is going to end so badly. I'm going to regret it tomorrow. That's if I remember it.

"Oh no. Jo, are you drunk?"

"Whaatt? No of course not! I'm a resposible human being now."

"Oh lord Jo. Go drink some water."

"Hmm I miss you. I miss the way you'd kiss me after a long day of work, and the way you make me scream. Hm I miss us. I still love you despite everything that has happened." No! No, no, stop! This is bad. The way you make me scream, really Jo? I should hang up. That's okay right? I can do that and everything will be fine.

I hear a sigh at the other end of the phone and then he replies. "I love you too, Jo. With all my heart."

"You know I probably won't remember this, right?"

"That's what I'm counting on. Make sure you hydrate, okay? I have to go patch up a kid."

"Oh, okay. Buh bye Alex."

"Oh, and don't leave the house until you're sober!" He adds in before hanging up the phone. I follow his advise and drink two glasses of water. The cool liquid helps clear my head a bit but brings an unwelcome feeling of nausea with it. Well shit, what the hell have I done? 

Drunk Jo and the beginning of a friendship with Anna. This is not how I expected this chapter to go but let's role with it I guess.

Anyway, I've been getting more and more annoyed with jovery as this season goes on. It feels like the writers are trying to remake/replace mark and callie. That just doesn't sit right with me. But I'm glad she seems happy.

And on a totallly different note, I'm pretty sure I fucked up most of my exams. Haha, shit.

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