Chapter 1

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The encounter

Rei grinned at his sister, who equally gave a smile back. "Rei~ What's with that grin? Are you that excitied to see the new group of students?" She joked. That made Rei a little flustered, but he shook his head.

"No! No, of course not!" He looked away. Remi arched an eyebrow and pouted, but she didn't say anything more. "Shouldn't you be excited? Because you'll meet all these new people!" He couldn't help but grin again.

Remi didn't need to think about anything, "Of course! Think about all the new kind people this year!" She waved her hands around, "Oh, I wonder if I can be friends with them!" She danced around a little.

Remi's a sweet little girl, she always tries to think the best of everyone! Rei knew that, that she's kind and will make the time to help people out.

That's why he looks out for his sister a lot, he doesn't want Remi to be influenced by others. Rei knows, he knows that people don't agree with their way of thinking, because they think it's like taking a knife to their pride.

They take this heirarchy stuff really seriously but Rei doesn't honestly care. He just wants everyone to get along.

Beside him, Remi stared up at the school in astonishment. "Woah~ The school is so big! I-- I've never seen anything like this...!" She turned over to her brother, "Do you get to go to places like this a lot??"

Rei smiled, "Yeah, you can move over to the dorms you know. Then you can have a whole room all to yourself! We can finally be free of our parents!"

Remi beamed. "That's soo cool! You are so lucky!" She gave Rei a shove on the shoulders. "I wanna move there too!" She whined.

"You can ask Mom about that." He winked at Remi. "Maybe Dad will agree to it, but I can't help you." He laughed.

Remi pouted, "Why not? You're my big brother right?" She huffed, "Besides, Mom will nag at me!"

"You need to learn to convince Mom yourself. I had to beg them both you know." Rei rolled his eyes, that was true. But, their parents might get lonely, living in such a big house. Maybe leaving Remi with their parents can be good, but maybe not at the same time.

She needs to learn to live on her own.

"But...! They won't let me!" She whined, "They favor you and not me!!"

Rei's eye brows furrowed, "That's not true. Don't say that." He frowned.

Remi pouted and crossed her arms, "Fine! Hmph!" She turned her head to the other side out of annoyance. They've arrived to the front of the school by now.

Rei sighed a breath, "Don't be so salty. We're at school." He said, pinching her cheeks.

Remi gritted her teeth, "Don't touch me, you idiot brother! Idiot I say!"

She threw a fit.

Rei was now the king of Wellston, so much responcibility for a chill guy like him. Perhaps he can use this power to change the school. That, was what he had in mind.

They had a school assembly and welcomed all the new students with open arms, but the new students didn't feel very welcomed by everyone else. It was a well known fact that the older students dislike the younger students but Rei.

He tried to get along with the students. He tried to help every single one of them, he tried.

Everyone didn't believe his good intentions, they didn't believe that Rei, the king would even talk with the younger students.

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