Chapter 7

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Denial and confrontation

John stares at the man infront of him, this-- this person... why are they so kind to him? "Hey... can you leave me alone?" He asks. Rei was taken back a little, was this some kind of joke? Rei stops walking altogether...

John doesn't stop and stare at him with a smile on his face, telling him he was joking...

Instead, he kept on walking, giving a mere glance back at Rei before he turns to walk away. Rei has to laugh, because this joke-- this joke wasn't exactly funny but John almost got him.

Rei runs next to John, "You got me, John." He laughs, "I fell for your joke. Maybe I am an idiot after all." He says, thinking.

This time, John does stop walking. It causes Rei to stop as well and look back in confusion. "I-- I wasn't joking. Leave me alone!" He fumes, "Who the fuck are you anyways? I don't even goddamn know you, you... you creep!" He stomps off in the other direction.

Rei doesn't know what to say. If this was a joke, then he's taking this too far. He's taking this a little too far. Rei wants to chase after John, to make sure that he's wrong, and that this is a joke.

That this is just a joke.

But-- the aching feeling in his heart is odd.

It's different from a heart throb, it's not pleasant... at all.

Far from it actually. With a feeling of-- of dread?

His heart still pounds, his heart still beats, but the throbbing doesn't feel nice. It feels so-- painful. Why is it so painful? Why is it so terrible?

He opens his mouth to say something, but he closes it instead... He doesn't know what to do, he tries to shake the feeling away-- he tries to get rid of it... but-- it's like a terrible disease. That's stuck to him, he-- he can't get it out.

Rei pulls back, he needs answers. He needs to know if this is a joke or not. 

He walks to into the halls with a confident face. But not feeling very confident in himself. But he's a king. A king should be confident.

He pushes through the halls, trying to find a certain black haired individual amongest the crowd. When he finally finds one black haired kid, he finds him being beat up by another student.


"How dare you bump into me and don't say sorry, you little punk!" The girl shouts, sending a punch at the wall beside John's head. The wall broke instantly, sending debris and dust into the air.

"I didn't! You bumped into me first!" John shouted at the girl, as Rei just stared. Slowly, he walked over to them. He had a concerned expression, and reaches a hand to John. "Wh-- what are you doing?!" John shouts, flinching as Rei pauses.

Then he pats John's head slowly with a sad smile.

"Are you okay?" He asks, not taking his eyes off of John at all, he still staring at John. He doesn't even care that everyone's staring at them, even the girl who attacked John.

John can feel his face burn like a stove, and shoves his hand away, "What the fuck is wrong with you?! Get...! Away from me!" He shoves Rei back. He's huffing, shouting, but Rei doesn't care.

This isn't the John he knew, more like the kid before they met.

Something is wrong.

John wouldn't want this. He would never... try to hurt Rei... right? Rei stands there, stunned, was this shouting, pissed off kid-- was he really John?

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