Chapter 10

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Letters and goodbye

Dear Rei,

How are you doing? Is heaven a nice place like you said it would be? That's where I imagined you'll go, because, where else can you go? You're an angel, I knew from the day I met you.

You were too pure as an angel that it ended up costing your life.

I've been sad. Or depressed. I miss you every single day. Every single moment. I miss you so much, Rei. Remi does as well, she's been grieving over you for more than a week, and I took care of her. Isn't that what you wanted, Rei?

I like to think that you are sad that you died as well. I'd like to think that you died because you had no choice, that ember was threatening us on the line...

I'd like to think that you are the superhero that you are in my heart.

I miss you, Rei.


Dear Rei,

Remi's been taking your death very well. She's not crying as much as me, but she's still sad. I tried my best to comfort her, but she can't stop thinking about you. She misses you so much Rei.

It must be nice, having so much people miss you.

I mean... you were a nice king. A kind, gentle king that didn't use violence to solve your problems. Unlike someone else I know... but I'm sure they've learned from you.


I still miss you very much, Rei. You don't know.

I wish I can still feel your head pats, your sweet little kisses, your gentle hugs. But I can't, can I? You're gone. Although I still am very, terribly sad... I hope I can be as kind and gentle as you one day.

Remi have already taken the first step. She's been welcoming low tiers like you used to do, she's been making sure that fights like that don't happen anymore.

She's really kind. I think she's slowly becoming you because she adores you, Rei.

Aren't you proud?


Dear Rei,

How have you been? It's been sometime since I wrote to you right? Me and a girl called Seraphina have become friends now. She used to be really cold and distant but I think I'm making progress!


Remi's been doing really good! She and these two other boys have been looking out for our school. Blyke and Isen was it? I can't really remember but oh well. And... out of all honesty, I think that the two boys like your sister.

It's pretty cute, watching them hang out. I think that Blyke likes her more, I have no clue actually.

There's this kid that you taught I believe... Arlo? He's slowly warming up to me and I'm pretty proud of it.

Hehe. >:D

Oh yeah, and you might not know but the book UnOrdinary has been banned since you died, maybe they are scared that more people are influenced by the book and would want to become a superhero themselves.

Maybe. I don't know but I do have one other copy. Maybe I'll burn it so you can read the book? I heard that burning things will bring it to Heaven or Hell.

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