Chapter 6

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Confusion and jealousy

Perhaps it's just a crush. Rei thought for a moment, Maybe the heart throbs are because I like this little kid. Odd. There was an age gap, but it wasn't too wide to be considered terrible. Today, on the way home, Rei asked his little sister about it. "Hey, Remi, what would you think if I started to date John?"

Remi liturally stopped walking and turned to look at Rei with a confused stare, "Why? Are you two dating? Just after two weeks since you've met??"

"No. We're not, I was merely asking, Remi." Rei said, "I want to protect John with all my life, because he deserves it you know."

Remi doesn't talk for a while, she doesn't like the sound of that. She slowly starts to shake her head, "No, no. You two can't." She says, rushing over to Rei, "You two can't start dating, don't you know? Besides, wasting your life on someone like John...?"

"Remi." Rei tightened his lips in disapproval, "You can't say that about someone. Especially if they're a low tier." He reminds her, to which she nods and corrects herself.

"What I meant was, you have so much to life for, you can't just waste it on loving someone." Remi tries to make Rei stop thinking about that, stop thinking about loving someone, Rei. I'm not ready for you to start dating again.

Remi's attatched to her brother.

"I disagree." Rei just says, before he shakes his head. "Maybe I'll ask someone else."

Remi knows someone who doesn't approve of them together, "Ask Arlo!" She says, "He's in my chemistry class! I have his number." She takes out her phone and presses on Arlo's name in her contact's list.

Rei doesn't know about asking something so personal to someone he doesn't know. "Uh-- let's not." He says, pushing her phone out of the way. Luckily for him, Arlo didn't even answer. "You need to learn how to accept people, Remi." He pats her head.

Remi instead pouts and throws a fit, "I-- I told you! I tried my best to befriend him... but he keeps telling me to leave him alone! He's getting on my nerves!" Rei smiles instead and keeps patting her on the head.

"You're always so impatient, Remi." Rei smiles, "You should learn to control your temper. Sometimes, hm, or a lot of the times, progess is hard work. If you don't have the patience for that kind of thing, then-- you should work on it!" He grinned.

Remi half expect Rei to say something along the lines of, If you don't have the patience for that kind of thing, then-- you won't survive in this world. But he didn't make her feel scared at all. This was Rei they were talking about, what did she expect?

The air head brother.

Remi nodded, "Okay then..."

Rei chuckled, "Good! I'll treat you to some ice cream." He pointed at the ice cream truck that rolled down the corner. Remi's eyes lit up like a dream, and she's already happy and giddy.


Rei brings it up on day when he and John were hanging out in the courtyard. "Hey, John... I get this-- this feeling of attachment when I'm near you... Do you know what it is?" Rei asked John out of the blue.

John gave a confused hum in responce, "Attachment?"

Rei thought for a little, "Like... I like being around you? Or like, I feel more comfortable around you than anyone else." He moves his hands around, trying to get John to understand. John laughs in response.

"Well-- I think I do have one answer..." He grins, making Rei's jump out of his chest, or a very-- very hard heart throb. John hums, "Although you might not like it very much..."

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