Chapter 5

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Flirting and assumption

"Why-- why are you here?" John asks, he is seeriously confused, because Rei-- a king shouldn't be hanging out with a low tier like him.

"What do you mean why?" Rei smiled at John, "I just-- er... like being around you."

That's a lie. A big, fat, lie.

John wasn't buying that excuse right now. "Bullshit." He muttered. "My dad told you to didn't he?" He groaned, stuffing his face with his salad. He couldn't care less about Rei being here, and honestly, feel kind of safe around him.

Rei laughed, "Well, you caught me." He shrugged, opening his lunch. "I ditched my friends to spend time with you, don't you feel happy?" Rei asked, staring at John as he ate his lunch.

"Well... if you put it like that..." John muttered, pink blush slowly finding its way up to John's face. "And stop staring at me...! It's embarassing...!" He muttered, pushing Rei away from him.

Does he feel happy?

Why though? Why does he feel so giddy and happy?

Is it because he's kind of happy that he got the king's attention all to himself? Was that what this is all about?

"Why not? Besides," Rei chuckled, patting John's hair gently with this-- this kind smile on his face. "You are so small...! So adorable honestly..." He muttered, at this compliment, John felt his face heat up-- all the way to his ears.

"Don't say something like that." John tried to cool down, "It-- it makes this a whole lot more awkward." He fidgits with his food.

Rei questions that, "Why would it be, hm?"

John fidgits with his fingers, "Because-- because it might make us seem like we're gay when we're not." John gives this kind of look, a bit of regret for saying that, and a bit of uncomfortable energy.

"Hm..." Rei just hums and turns back to his food, "Let's not talk like being gay is a bad thing alright?" He asks of John. Out of all honestly, Rei never was sure about his sexuality, but if John says that he's not gay-- maybe he shouldn't get too close out of respect.

Perhaps he doesn't like it when someone is too clingy, perhaps he should leave him alone for a little while. Maybe that's what he likes?

Rei finished up his plate of food, just as John finished tidying up his own meal. "Hey... Rei. I want to know more about your throughts on UnOrdinary. I'm just... interested in what you think."

Rei's eyes widen with suprise, and a bit of amusement. "You do? Perfect! I've been wanting to share my thoughts on this book for quite some time but never got to doing it because no one else wanted to read a book like that!" He blabbered out so quickly that John almost didn't catch it.

"Mhm... okay. I read it, so why don't you tell me?" John offered a small smile, that was just for Rei.

At that moment, Rei's heart skipped a beat.

Or two.

"Sure! I-- I've thought about it for a while, how the character would act if they didn't attempt to help the world." Rei went on and on about the book, every interesting part of it, every confusing part of it.

John listened to it all and responded with a smile every single time.

Rei felt happy-- and-- he felt-- something.

Something he didn't exactly know. It wasn't love, he knew that for a fact, he never felt this way with his ex-girl-friends. But-- everytime-- every single time Rei realize how attentive John was, how patient he was with Rei describing the story...

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