Chapter 2

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Fear and anger

John roamed the halls, he was dazed from talking with that... guy. His teal hair and golden eyes made him stand out from the crowd easily. John watched from afar as the person tried to interfere with another group of fighting students.

"He's so kind... but can we really trust someone like that to be our king?" John's ear picked up a female voice to his left.

"Well... it's not like we have a choice." He could tell that it was another female's voice. "He's the strongest you know. We have to obey." Disgust? Was that what John heard from her?

How can they talk shit about an angel like that?

John stares blankly at Rei, who is solving a problem by talking it out with the other kids. Still, even if he seemed genuine, people can be deceiving. John frowned, yeah, he can't trust someone so quickly.

So easily.

Unlike Rei, John isn't very smart when figuring out if someone is true or not. He's too gulible, so he needs to take precaution when figuring out if someone is to be let into his life.

John turns to look away, tearing his eyes from Rei. He doesn't honestly want to, he wants to watch Rei work his magic of solving problems by talking. That distraction causes John to bump into someone else hard, causing John to take a step back.

"Sorry--" He said, but the man didn't seem to happy with John's apology. He gritted his teeth at the sight of the supposed low tier.

"Don't go sorry on me." John noticed that his fist tightened out of the corner of his eye. No doubt that he wanted to hurt John but luckily, his friend saved John because Rei was near by and this wouldn't be a good place to take revenge.

John sighed a breath of relief when they left, but he could feel, he can feel the stare that lingered on him. It gave him goosebumps, but he shrugged it off. His mind snapped awake, Never, ever brush off anything, that's how people die in horror movies. Better to take precaution. He thought.

He walked to his next class in a hurry, and made sure that the man wasn't near him at all. When ever he noticed that the man was near, the man either glanced at him and gave him a glare before turning away or he didn't even noticed John.

He seemed like he was in the clear for some time.

John walked to his next classes with a smile on his face, and headed outside for lunches like he'd usually do.

These days have been calm, but like they always say, Calm before the storm.

The storm came today.

In this particular day, on this particular hour, the man approached him. His dark green hair and pale yellow eyes reminded him of Rei honestly. "You." He pointed at John, who was munching away on his sandwich.

John blinked, "Yes?" He muttered through a mouth full before he swallowed down. He reached for a sip of water. "Is there something you need?" John asks but the man sighs a really deep and uneven breath.

"You know..." He took a step towards John, "You really pissed me off when you bumped into me." His hand grabbed for John's messy hair, getting a really good, and tight grip on it.

"Wait...! That was a week ago!" John bit his tongue, he shouldn't have said anything...! Fear was running through his vains for some reason... he never felt anything like this before. This man can physically over power John right now.

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