Chapter 8

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Confusion and denial

Rei's terribly sad. Because Ava is now in a coma because of him-- it was all because of him...! His other friends understood the situation and patted him on the back, They knew that this wasn't Rei's fault, Ava was just a bit too wanting.

But... Rei can't help but blame himself.

That's just who he is, he's this air head that wants to help everyone. He wants to save everyone with his bare hands and probably will die doing so.

As Rei sobs, John can't help but feel pity. He doesn't know who this-- this Rei man is nor does he particularly care... but his heart just hurts for some reason. So, he walks over and pats Rei's head like he did for John.

John gives a concerned look, "You okay?" He asks.

Rei starts to shake as he desperately tried to wipe his tears away. "John...!" He hugs John tight, tighter than he would for anyone. "I-- I feel so bad...! I killed her...! I killed-- her!" He sniffles.

Honestly, John is a bit uncomfortable.

He doesn't even know this person and-- wait...?

What is-- I knew this person? I did...?  Is that why he smells so-- smells so familiar...? But... who is this man? Rei? What an interesting name.

"Um... excuse me...!" John patted Rei's back, "Rei...? Who are you?" He asked in a soft tone, but Rei couldn't exactly hear it over the hysterical sobbing. "Rei!" He shouts this time.

It causes Rei to snap out of it, and he quickly wipes the tears that were rolling down his face. "I-- sorry... I lost composure for a moment..." He sniffles, turning away from John. John allows that, he allows for Rei to take a moment to breathe.

He, himself thinks, he knew that there were some obvious missing memories, but couldn't figure out what they were.

Did they become friends at one point?

Or did they become best friends?

John ponders, he wonders, he's questioning it so hard, but it's getting him no where.

"Rei? Are you okay now? I want to ask about the relationship between me and you." John says, poking Rei's shoulder. By now, Rei's more calm than before, more relaxed. He turns around with a dim smile.

"No... Not exactly okay-- but I'm doing better." He chuckles, scratching at his face out of nervousness. "But... I'm proud of you for taking the first step in trying to get your memories back." Rei grins.

"Yeah sure." John quickly brushes off. "When did we first meet?" He quickly asks the question, not really caring about anything else.

Rei remembers it like it was yesterday, "We first met when you and these other three mid tiers were fighting. I saved you, you know!" He smiled, excited. "I protected you!" His smile is brighter than anything John has ever seen.

"Ah. Yeah, yeah sure. Not really bringing back any memories you know." John says, humming, "I wonder, what is the relationship between me and you?" He cocks his head slightly, "Like... It's plain obvious that you are very attatched to me, but-- I don't remember ever talking with you..."

Rei flinches, because, he's not exactly sure either.

Rei smiles and pats John's head yet again, "I protect you. William told me to, you know, your dad." John tightens his lips, My dad? He wonders.

"I don't think our relationship is that simple." He waves that away, still letting Rei pat his head, "Could we perhaps have been best friends? Or perhaps lovers?"

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