Chapter 9

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Acceptance and grief

Rei and John have been sneaking around on campus. Popping a kiss here and there, and they've never really gotten into any sexual activity since John was still a minor and wasn't ready. Rei understood.

Remi was the first to catch onto something.

They've been really-- really careful but Remi was Rei's sister. She figured out everything a lot quicker than any other person would have. She caught on a lot quicker than any other person would have.

She confronted her brother about it.

"Rei..." She started, arms crossed and staring up at her big brother. "You're dating aren't you?" She asked. It caught Rei off guard, being so-- so blunt and all. "Dating John." She tightened her lips with disapproval.

Rei didn't even try to cover it up, "Yes. I am." He sighed, "I can't believe you found out already-- it's only been two months." He laid back into the couch.

Remi pulled a chair close to her brother, "It wasn't hard to tell that you were dating. You gave me less attention." She looked dissapointed, or jealous.

Rei patted her head, "Is that so? I'll make sure to give you more attention then." He smiled, stroking her hair softly. "You should grow longer hair, Remi. It looks better on you." He chuckled, "How's that?"

"No, I like short hair. It's lighter and nicer," Remi pouted, "But yeah-- a little better."

Rei grinned, "Great!"

"But... why?" She asked, "Why John?" Staring up at her big brother. She's jealous, she's really jealous actually.

She wants her big brother to notice her, to make sure that she's okay. Although, John's probably pretty happy right? Getting the attention of her brother, the king of Wellston. A low tier-- with the king of Wellston.

Remi chuckled a little, she had to admit, it was pretty funny. Imagine if people found out--

If people found out...

"I love him, Remi. I love him a lot." Rei said, "More than my other girlfriends, actually." He chuckled. It's the truth, Rei did like John a lot. More than he should actually.

Remi was silent, "But, Rei..." She started to say, she's scared for her brother now. "What if people find out? Like I did?" She asked, with fear in her eyes, "Not everyone is so understanding like-- like me... John might get bullied again and you might get in trouble for dating a minor."

Rei flinches. Remi is right, he lets out a slow exhale. "You're honestly right. But-- I'll make sure that no one will find out!" He give a smile, "You should help me as well." He held a finger to his lips, "Shh okay?"

Remi nods, "Sure. I just don't want you hurt." She will try to get along with John, even if the first few interactions weren't too good. "So, I'll try my best."

"Thanks Remi."


Rei graduated from being a king at Wellston.

He wants to go to a nice college but he has another goal in mind, he wants to become a superhero. He wants to save everyone with his bare hands, that's what he wants. He want to protect everyone-- he wants everyone to be safe.

He talks with John about it, "Hey John... What do you think about me being a super hero?" He asks, not smiling or giddy at all.

John doesn't say anything at first. "Rei... No matter what you do, I will support... but..." He thinks for a little while, "Do you really think being a superhero is worth it? It's dangerous out there..." John stares at Rei.

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