Chapter 4

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Talking things out

William recived the call that his son got into trouble again. He wasn't suprised, but when they told him that he has been sexually assulted, he rushed over right away. Thank goodness that he was just in the next city over and was able to come here quickly.

He walked into the school with a worried expression as asked to see his son. The secretary allowed him to visit his son in the infirmary, as long as he doesn't disturbe anyone or any class.

William had to go by the rules and rushed to the infirmary with the guidance of another student that pointed the way. The moment he bursted through, he spotted his son sitting on the infirmary bed.

"John...!" He said in a loud voice as he walked over with tears pricking at his eyes. John was suprised, so suprised by the voice of his father that he almost jumped.

"Dad...?! Wha-- what are you doing here??" He asked. Dread, he felt dread when his father walked over to the side of his bed. "Aren't you supposed to be at work...?"

William was enraged, but he hid his emotions well and only let the worried side of him show. "John... what did I say about taking care of yourself?" He said, in a dangerously low voice.

Yes, he may be a cripple, he maybe powerless, but he know how to discipline his child.

He pulled a rolley chair over to John's bed and took a seat on it. "We have a meeting with the police after this and I want to know, why you didn't use your ability?" He wiped his tears away with his thumb, and gave his son a stare.

John gulped, he didn't want his father to find out-- to know... "I-- was scared... okay?" He finally says after a moment of silence, a moment of dreaded silence. "He terrified me to much that I can't even protect myself."

William didn't believe his son one bit. A unstoppable king, being stepped on by some random devil?

"And be-besides, I can't even do anything... His ability was useless to me...! He was also very stong, and he over powered me...!"

Okay, that made more sense than what ever the-- 'I was scared' shit was about.

William let out a sigh, "Are you okay then? No injuries? No fucking?" He asked and John shook his head, a sense of relief flooded William. "Then what were they talking about when they said that you were sexually assulted?" He asked with curiosity.

"He forced me to..." John swallowed again, discussing this with his father was so uncomfortable. But he had to, because William deserved to know. "He forced me to suck him off." His hands were gripping the bed sheets tightly.

His heart was hammering by now. Dread, insecurities, and the feeling of worthlessness flooded him.

He was stupid. An idiot like what he calls himself.

William instead pushed John's hair back and watching as it fell. "You hated it right? You must have been so terrified..." William said softly, as he gave this... this comforing vibe. John thought he was dreaming for a split second before William patted his back.

It pulled him back, this was his father after all...

"Yeah-- I was... I was really scared Dad, you don't know...!" Tears started to form, he was shaking-- he was trembling as his Dad cooed and calmed him down.

"We should be having our meeting with the man's parents around this time. Let's head to the principle's office." He gave a little smile for his son, and John nodded.

They arrived to meet face to face with Rei, the man, and his parents.

Just the glance of the man's face gave John goosebumps and a chill down his spine. The parents weren't exactly having the bullshit, and gave John this... stare of uncertainty. John couldn't exactly blame them, their son, someone they've treasured so much, commited a crime?

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