Chapter 3

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Chatting with the troubled kid

Rei helped the kid onto the bench that sat behind the school, he noticed how badly he was shaking and trembling. "You think you can stay here while I go and get a staff?" Rei asks, and John glances back up at Rei for a split second.

Dispite John's sudden wave of attatchment to Rei, he nods.

Rei gives a reassuring smile before he ran of, leaving John on the bench, staring at the man on the floor. Who knew, that someone like him made someone like John so scared?

John curled himself up into a ball, knotting his fingers together tightly out of nervousness. He's been wanting to spit out the disgusting feeling for a while now, but it's not coming out. John swallowed instinctively.


Why is he here, waiting for a king to save him? He is suppose to have no value to live right? Why is Wellston's king attempting to save him... a low tier? Why is he wasting his time on him?

John gritted his teeth, this-- this king... he's blind.

He can't see the reason why low tiers were abandoned, this might be his downfall. If he-- if he keeps this up-- having empathy for everyone... he probably won't survive long enough in his world.

John turns his head away, Well-- there's no use thinking about it right? You can't save him, you can't help him at all. This is pathetic. John silently cursed.

Why was he wasting his time on this fool?

John fiddled with his fingers, as he stared at the man on the floor, unconscious.

"Hey!" John flinched at the voice, Wellston's king's back? No wait-- that's a female voice.

He turned his head to his left, a girl with short-- but light pink hair rushed over to him. John turned his head away from her as she walked closer.

"Hey...! My brother told me-- everything." She rushed over to John, huffing. She had ran all the way from the caféteria, just because her brother asked her to. "Well-- maybe not everything but enough to know the full picture." She explained.

John hummed, not really wanting to talk to this stupid girl. Brother? So she's the King's sister.


She probably wants to help him as well. She took a seat beside John, "Well-- from what I've heard... you're a freshman as well!" She grinned, and held out her hand.

John gave it a mere glance and turned away, "What are you doing here?" He asked.

Remi gave a kind smile, it reminded John of the King's. "Well... My brother told me to make sure you were okay when he got the faculty you know. He think's your traumatized." She giggled at that.

John didn't find it so funny though.

"Disgusting." He muttered under his breath, "You know I'm a low tier right? Why are you wasting time on me?"

"Funny, because you seem to handle everything better than a low tier would have." Remi commented, "That's a compliment you know." She quickly added when John gave her a look.

John sighed through his nose, "Compliment or not, you need to leave me alone. I don't want to talk to any of you people. Especially-- after what you guys are capable of." He lazily looked away.

Remi frowned at John's statement, why wasn't he happy with her attempting to be friends with him? She at least gave him a chance and not kick him away...! This was fustrating!

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