"Didn't expect it to take four and a half years"

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Harry sneezed loudly, and a second later, where he was once standing was a small deer. "Blimey Harry! What's wrong with you!" Ron yelled, startled. 

Hermione sighed "Oh quiet down Ron! We wouldn't want Filch to see us! And it's not even that odd. I read about it once. Sometimes kids of animagi get some of their qualities when they are born. I've been wondering when his first transformation would be. Didn't expect it to take four and a half years, though."

Harry jumped around anxiously. He was getting nervous. He didn't know how to turn back to human, and he didn't want to do flying lessons as a deer tomorrow morning. Hermione seemed to have understood what he was feeling because she sighed and said "Harry just imagine what it's like to be human again. You should turn back. God, don't you guys read? There are like a billion books on animagus transformation." 

Ron was about to remind Hermione that not everyone is a book-loving nerd, that some people are normal, and don't read for fun when Harry turned back. "It worked!" Harry and Ron exclaimed simultaneously.

"Of course it did!" Hermione replied.

Harry willed himself to be a deer, just to see if he could, remembering how it felt. And POOF! where Harry stood there was now a deer. Harry admired his reflection in the window. He had wonderful emerald eyes, much like his former self, and silky caramel fur. Long horns sprouted from his head next to his large ears and there were patches of white fur down his neck and back. 

Suddenly, something outside the window caught his eye. He saw a small bronze glow through the trees in the forbidden forest, He immediately willed himself back to human and told Ron and Hermione about it.

Demigods and Wizards Book 1 (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now