'Who's that?'

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As they walked in, Harry saw a climbing wall next to it. "Seems fun!" He said to Ron. Just as he said that he noticed something unusual. There was lava on the climbing wall.

Annabeth must have noticed that Harry was staring because she simply replied, "It adds to the challenge."

The Mess Hall was completely empty, except for a centaur, Chiron, and a girl, about 16, wearing the same thing Frank was; purple 'SPQR' t-shirt, dark blue jeans, Roman-style armor, and a purple cloak and 'PRAETOR' badge, Who's that? Harry wondered.

His question was answered when Hazel walked up to her and hugged her and said, "Hey Reyna!"

Reyna looked annoyed. "I've been waiting. Anyways," she started "there's a problem. So, Octavian is alive-" she said this calmly, but there were cries of 'WHAT' and 'NO' from the others. Percy muttered something under his breath in another language "Percy, no swearing. Not in Latin, at least. Anyways, it's true. Octavian's alive. He somehow survived blowing himself up through a cannon." blown up? Harry thought. How?

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