"I just woke you up before 11:00"

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Harry looked around the camp. Many people were talking and laughing with their friends, starting to wake up and walk around the cabins, as the sun was already rising. Two certain people caught his attention. Outside a black wooden cabin with the skull of an animal over the door, were two boys arguing about something. 

One of them looked 14, and he had black skinny jeans and a black t-shirt. There were scars all along his arms that made it look like he had been attacked by a pack of wolves. He had messy, jet black hair and dark eyes. He looked much too skinny and short for a 14-year-old, but his looks and personality told Harry he couldn't have been any younger. Something gave Harry the feeling he shouldn't be messed with. The other boy was wearing a camp t-shirt and an open green button-up shirt with cut-off shorts and flip flops. He had blonde hair and bright blue eyes. Both the boys were yelling at each other. 

Harry nudged Ron and tilted his head a bit in their direction. "Blimey! Do they hate each other?" Ron asked. Percy and Leo looked like they were trying not to burst out laughing while Annabeth just rolled her eyes at them.

"That's Nico and Will. And no, they do not hate each other" Piper giggled "No, no, no. not at all. Quite the opposite. They're boyfriends" She said this last sentence in a sort of sing-song voice.

Leo raised his eyebrows "Hey Pipes, your inner Aphrodite is showing." he said, nudging her.

Piper sighed. "Whatever. They're so cute together, okay!"

"Come on, I'll take you to meet Chiron. He's in the mess hall." Annabeth said and started walking. Harry, Hermione, and Ron followed while Leo, Piper, and Percy started talking about something like setting fire to the Zeus cabin.

As they walked past Nico and Will, the group heard a bit of their argument. "I trusted you! How could you! I'm never going to talk to you again! How am I supposed to trust you after you did something like that?" Nico, the smaller boy, yelled.

"Jeez Nico, calm down! I just woke you up before 11:00! I wanted to make sure you ate breakfast because you're so skinny!" The blonde one, Will, replied.

"How dare you call me skinny!!", Nico said, horrified. "You take that back!" he added, as he tackled Will to the ground.

"They have an...interesting relationship..." Hermione noted as they had passed the "happy" couple. They could still hear Nico yelling about time management and trust when they reached the mess hall.

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