Signs Of A Revolution

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No One's POV

It was another normal day as (Y/N) was throwing his stress ball up in the air and catching it as it came down. Phones ringing and the sound of pens or pencils scribbling on paper was the only noise in the building. A few people were talking in the background as (Y/N) kept doing what he was doing as Isabella sat in her chair waiting for more orders as there were no reports to fill out as her and (Y/N) have not done anything for a while except go on a few patrols. She saw something coming towards her, so she caught it and examined it to see that it was (Y/N)'s stress ball. (Y/N) turned his chair back and fourth as he held his hand up waiting to catch the ball. 

Isabella looked at the ball to then gently throw back to (Y/N) as she kept sitting up straight. (Y/N) caught the ball to then throw it back for Isabella to catch it again. The two kept doing this for half an hour for (Y/N) to catch the ball again as he then leaned back in his chair, "God I'm so bored." "Well not everyday is interesting." (Y/N) looked at Isabella for her to sigh, "I do wish that something would happen though. For data." (Y/N) threw the ball back, "I will take any case at this point." His desk phone then rang again, so he answered to be on there for a few second to then hang up. He got up as he looked at Isabella, "Someone was attacked by a deviant." Isabella quickly got up as she was also excited to do something, "We must go right away."

The two got in a self driving car to head downtown of Detroit. There all of the houses were small and the neighborhoods were dirty, unlike the main part of the city where everything was white, green, and clean. The car soon stopped at a run down house, so the two got out and headed towards the door. (Y/N) knocked on the door for a man to shout at them, "I'm comin'!" Footsteps were heard as the man got closer until he opened the door showing that he was a man with a gut, greasy blown hair, blue eyes, he was wearing a green shirt, and blue jeans, "Who are you two?" (Y/N) held up his badge, "We are here about your deviant problem." The man seemed to ease up as Isabella took out a notepad and a pen, "What is your name sir?" The man looked at her with unease as he then looked at (Y/N), "What is she doing here. After what one of her kind did to me?" (Y/N) kept his normal expression as he tried to reassure the man, "This is my partner Isabella. She is here to help you too. Do not let what that deviant make you feel unsafe near her."

The man looked back at Isabella from the side of his eyes, "My name is Todd. Todd Williams."  Isabella wrote that down as (Y/N) continued to ask Todd more questions, "What did the deviant do to you in detail?" "Well last night I was watching T.V. when I heard my daughter scream upstairs. I went up to check on her but the door was locked. I managed to break the door open, but my android was already out the window with my little girl." "Are you sure that is what happened?" "I'm sure." "What was the androids name and model name?" "Her name is Kara. Her model number is AX-400." "Your daughter's name?" "Alice. Long brown hair, brown eyes, is short." "How old is she?" "Around 10 to 13." "You don't know your daughter's age?" "She grew up fast." Isabella closed her notepad and put her own in her pocket, "We need you to come with us to the station so that you can identify your child." Todd became defensive as if though he was scared to go to the police station, " Why do I need to do that? I already told you what she looks like. Why do I have to go to the station?!" "Many kids look like what you described. Do you have a picture of your daughter?" "I can't find one. I still don't see why I have to go." (Y/N) looked suspicious at Todd, "There shouldn't be a problem with going to the station. Unless your hiding something." Todd looked at him as he snarled, "I have nothing to hide." Todd then walked to the police car as the other two followed him. He went to sit in the front seat for (Y/N) to stop him, "That's Isabella's seat. You sir in the back." "Are you kidding me. She's an android. She can sit in the back." (Y/N) went to the driver seat, "Get in the back sir." Todd stood still for a while to scowl and go into the backseat of the car as Isabella sat in the passenger seat. The car started driving towards the station as both (Y/N) and Isabella noticed Todd constantly looking around worried and was all fidgety.

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