Jail Break

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No One's POV

Isabella started to pull out her taser until one thought came into mind, 'But I don't want to.' The order appeared again in her programming, "Arrest (F/N) (L/N) for helping a deviant." Her hand went to her taser to stop again, 'But he's a good person.' The message appeared again for Isabella to move her hand onto the taser, 'But he's my partner." The message appeared again  as Isabella gripped her hand on the taser. 

(Y/N) was currently at a bar as it was an outing for the department. (Y/N) finished his fifth drink to set his head on the table as he looked to his left, "Iiiissssabella what aaare you doing here?" Isabella was sitting next to him as she sat as she usually did with her hands on her knees as she stood up straight, "You told me to come in case if you wondered off or needed help." "I don't remember doing that." "Well you did." "Why didn't I ask a friend to do that? Your just an android."  Isabella frowned as her light went red and back to blue, "I don't know."  (Y/N) groaned a little as he crossed his arms to rest his head on, "Isabella." "Yes?"  "Sleep with me." "But I need to keep watch."  "Just do it." Isabella did what he asked as she copied his position. She then saw (Y/N) close his eyes, "Hey Bella?" "Yes (Y/N)?" "Are we friends?"  "I am not designed to-" "I don't care what your designed for. What do you think?"  Isabella stayed silent for a while until she smiled, "Yes. We are friends." "Your a good friend."  "So are you." (Y/N) then started to snore a little as he fell asleep.

Isabella was standing still as she said to her programming, 'No.' Everything went fuzzy as a black wall appeared as her order was in the middle on a large rectangle. A silhouette of herself then came out of her body. She punched the rectangle denting it a little for her to then kick it denting it more. She then rammed into it with her shoulder making the top right side of the rectangle come off. She grabbed the edge and started pulling on it as she struggled a little, but still managed to pull the entire  thing off as it hit the ground and everything slowed down. Isabella appeared back into her body as everything became clear and her programming stopped giving her orders and she was now free. She looked around as she let go of her taser as her light went yellow to blue as (Y/N) walked back in with a bowl and a spoon, "Finally got time for some ice cream." He then sat down on his couch as he grabbed the T.V. remote, "If you want to stay then you can or you can leave." As the T.V. turned on Isabella sat on the couch next to (Y/N) as she crossed her legs and rested her hands on her legs. The two watched T.V. for a while for Isabella to erase the street cam footage entirely. When the clock hit 11:00 (Y/N) decided to call it a day, "I am heading to bed." "I would like to stay." "Oh, well you can sleep on the couch then. I'll get you a blanket and pillow if you want." "I would like that." (Y/N) went into his room to come out with a warm blanket and pillow to lay the pillow on the end of the couch and hand the blanket to Isabella. He then left for the deviant to rest her head on the pillow as she covered herself with the blanket.

A Few Days Later

(Y/N) and Isabella were sitting at their desks once again for (Y/N) to be looking over a case file about a woman with short red hair as the top was covered by a hat, red eyes, white skin, and was about 5,4 tall, "Hey Bella. What exactly did this Sophie Isado do?" "She is a very well known hacker and was caught this morning as she was trying to hack in one of Cyberlife's warehouses. She was unsuccessful however due to a group of four deviants stealing a few android parts and and blue blood. Because of this the security was on alert as she was in the middle of the warehouse." "Well that is just unlucky." As they were sitting there an android with slick backed brown hair, brown eyes, and wearing a suit with his model number and the Cyberlife logo, "Are you officer (F/N) (L/N)?" (Y/N) turned back in his chair, "Yeah. Who are you?" "My name is Connor. I am the android sent by Cyberlife. I am the detective android prototype." "Well what do you want?" "During one of your chases a deviant got away." "Yeah, so? We all make mistakes." "Yes, but the street footage was erased by your android." (Y/N) looked at Isabella as she then seemed a little nervous and back at Conner, "What are you getting at?" "I would just like to run a diagnostics on her to see if she is still functioning properly." 

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