Meeting The Hackers

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No One's POV

(Y/N), Isabella, and Sophie walked in crowds for a minute as they would walk in one direction, to then switch in a different direction. The three walked into an alley way for Isabella to seem confused, "I don't know where we are." Sophie through her hat away along with the coat she picked up, "That's the point. With how much we turned, and went in different directions randomly your gps couldn't predict or keep up with us. So that means that the police station couldn't either." (Y/N) kept his hoodie on as he took off the beanie he grabbed as Isabella kept the over coat, "So what do we do now?" Sophie looked back at her, "Excuse me, we? There is now we. I helped you two escape after you helped me, now we go our separate ways." "What, but we don't know what to do now." Sophie started to walk away, "Not my problem." 

(Y/N) put his hands in his pockets, "What if we could help each other even more?" Sophie stopped to slowly turn around, "What do you have that will interest me?" "It takes a week for a police's ID to not work anymore. I can get to nearly anywhere." "How about the very tall news building?" "Probably." Sophie turned her back on the two, "I couldn't get that truck of blue blood because that damn android brought the security guards outside. I lost that haul, but I could grab all of the money from that news building." She then turned around, "It seems like you two may be a little bit more useful."

Sophie then turned around to look back after a few steps, "You two coming?"  The two followed her as Isabella looked at (Y/N), "Can we trust her?" (Y/N) just put his hands in his pockets, "I don't know. But she is our best shot." "She's a criminal." "So are we. She hasn't hurt anyone yet, so I don't care." "I guess your right." Sophie kept walking in front of them, "I can here you." "Where are we going." Sophie then held up a fist while walking as she put up a finger, "One, do not ask questions. Two, follow me where I go or you can leave. Three, no second chances. Now please be quiet." The two stayed silent as Sophie led them through streets, sidewalks, and alley ways.

After an hour Sophie led them into a busted down neighborhood and to a brick store that was boarded up by windows. She opened the back door a little to look back at the two, "Don't touch a thing. Not a thing." She then opened the door for a bunch of blue light to shine on the floor and walls along with a lightbulb lighting up the rest of the room. A 6,3 tall man with white skin, black hair, grey eyes, blue jeans, small boots, a blue shirt with an overcoat, and the coat's hood up stood up from a chair with computers in front of him. He turned around to pull out a pistol from his coat and aim it at the three. Sophie just kept walking, "Oh calm down Matt. It's me." Matt took out a sigh of relief as he put his gun away, "I didn't know who you were. None of the alarms triggered." "That's how you know it's me." 

Matt then looked at (Y/N) and Isabella to point at them, "What are cops doing here." (Y/N) looked at Sophie, "How does he know?" Sophie just waved her hand, "We have files of all the cops in town. Even androids." (Y/N) looked at Matt, "We aren't really cops anymore." Matt pointed at Isabella, "Yeah she may be deviant, but your human. How do we know that your not just undercover?" Sophie sat down in a chair with computers in front of her, "We can't. But we can keep an eye on him. Just sit down." Matt kept feeling uneased, but still sat down as Sophie turned in her chair, "So anything that I missed?" "Not much. Just a few more deviants coming into the light and the android named Connor is still working on the deviant case."

Matt turned his chair to Sophie, "So what's the plan? Lay low and do small jobs?" "No. We are going to rob the news tower." "What?! You got arrested and you escape in a day and just think, Oh I'll just rob one of the most secure places in town. Are you insane?" "Well no one expects action after being caught." "Yes they do. Why do you think they sweep the entire city when a criminal, a crooked cop, and a deviant escape the best precinct in town." "Well you have to take risks." "Not risks this big." "Look, if we pull this off then we can go our separate ways and live whatever we want our lives to be." Matt sat forward with his elbows on his knees as he looked down. He then looked at (Y/N) and Isabella, "What about them?" Sophie smirked as she turned to the two, "They are gonna help us." "How?" "A cop's ID still works even after a week of them being out of commission. And what android do people pay attention to less? A janitor." Matt paused for a bit, "So what's the plan?" Sophie stood up as she walked over to something hidden by a blanket to take it off revealing a white board. She picked up a marker, "Here is what we're gonna do."

4 Days Later

Matt was on his computer as he was checking the street cameras near the news building along with the security routes and when they switch shifts. When he was done he got out of the chair to see Sophie teaching Isabella to act innocent, which seemed difficult for her even though she was an android. He then noticed (Y/N) in on of the corners in front of him doing some push-ups. He walked up to him to look down at him, "Hey can I talk to you for a minute?" (Y/N) kept doing his workout, "Yeah." "Are you gonna stop?" "No. I can do this and talk at the same time." "Alright then. So I was wondering, why did you help Sophie get out?" "Because she was the only way that I could get Isabella out." "So that's the only reason." "Yep. If she wasn't caught it may have gone differently." "So why did you risk everything to help an android. I don't get it." (Y/N) finished doing his rep to stand up, "Because she's my friend. Wouldn't you do that for your friend?" (Y/N) said pointing to Sophie. Matt crossed his arms, "We're not friends. Just people who can help each other and are running from the police. And friends don't just give up their job and reputation." "If it's to save them you do." "You are a stupid man." 

Sophie was talking to Isabella as she was telling her a few tricks to bring peoples attention to the direction you want them to look at and trick people's mind. But Isabella was not listening as she was looking at (Y/N)'s and Matt's direction. He got up from the ground as he stopped doing push ups. He was sweaty as his shirt stuck onto his abs and pecks that he had. She kept staring until Sophie shook her entire body, "Hey are you even listening? Do androids just not use their brains when they become deviants?" Isabella shook her head, "Oh, I am sorry. Please continue what you were saying." 

Two day later a deviant with a light brown over coat, shaved head, a barely tan skin, and green eyes walked up the stairs to the entrance of the news building. He opened the door to go up an escalator and to the receptionist desk. There was two androids and a human on the computer. He checked her computer and phone to call her and tell her that her daughter was in trouble at school. She walked away for him to go to one of the androids and turn them into a deviant. She let him through for him to go to the elevators, but before he hacked the pad that brought the elevator down a masked man with a hood up put a key card to the pad bringing the elevator down. When the doors opened the two went in for the man to press the sixth floor, "Where are you going?" The deviant stayed calm, "Seventh floor please." The man pressed the seventh floor for the elevator to start going up as the two stood there. The man looked at the deviant, "You look familiar, have I seen you before?" The deviant looked at him as his mind began to race as he saw what the keycard said before, 'Officer (F/N), (L/N). Detroit Police Department'

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