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No One's POV

All over the news was Markus' speech about how androids want to, and should be able to live with humans and have equal rights. People were posting about it all over social media, commenting about it, and talking about it with their friends or family. All of this happened in minutes as six figures flew through the sky as the people below watched the T.V.s with the news on. The six figures saw an empty football stadium, so they landed there for all of their parachutes to land on the ground behind them. They took the backpacks off to run out of the stadium as they rushed to the edge of the city at the docks, because the police would be sweeping the entire city looking for them.

After twenty minutes of walking they arrived in a small spot in between two buildings, behind one building, and a fence blocking it off from the sidewalk. They walked into the small area to head towards a tall wall that had a dumpster in front of it allowing them to get on top of the wall. Before they continued forward though North stopped them all as she looked at Markus, "We should know who they are first before we lead them to Jericho." Markus sighed, but knew that she was right. So he then turned around to look at Sophie, "Who are you?"  Sophie rolled her eyes as she crossed her arms, "That is classified." "You can either tell us and we help get your friend back, or you can stay quiet and he rots in prison." "How did you-" "You speak quite loud." Sophie kept quiet as she started to bounce on her feet a little, "I'm Sophie Isado. I am a hacker who gets into shit, steals it, then leaves without a trace." "Why did you choose doing this?" "Getting to personal." Markus stared into her eyes for seven seconds, "I've heard enough about you."

He then looked at Isabella, "And what about you?" "I am Isabella. I was a police officer android a week ago and (Y/N) was my partner." Markus looked at (Y/N) and back to Isabella, "What did your day consist of?" "I would sit at my desk across from (Y/N)'s. Look through a few files or cases to make sure that they were right. If I had nothing to do talk to (Y/N). Go to lunch with (Y/N) as we listened to country or indie and then-" "Alright I heard enough. Why did you become a deviant?" "Oh, well because one night after (Y/N) got a replacement for my leg I was given an order to arrest him. I didn't want to, and the next thing I knew was that I had control over my own thoughts." 

Markus then looked over at (Y/N), "And what about you?" "I am officer (F/N), (L/N). I basically did everything Isabella did. Nothing special." "Why are you no longer a cop?" "I helped Isabella and Sophie out of jail." "Why?" (Y/N) put his hands in his pockets to quickly glance at Isabella and back to Markus, "Reasons I would not like to say." Markus stared into his eyes to then look at all of the three, "I trust them." North thought then pointed to (Y/N), "Take off your mask." (Y/N) looked at her, "Ok?" (Y/N) took off his mask making North pull out her pistol and aim it at him as she remembered (Y/N). (I don't like North. I just don't like her.) This sent everyone into high alert as Isabella looked like she was about to rip North in half.

Markus put his hand on North's hands, "North what are you doing?!" North looked at Markus and back at (Y/N), "He was the one that chased after me. I knew Isabella looked familiar." "North put the gun down." "He may still be a cop. He could be undercover just trying to find Jericho and bring us down." Markus seemed to think about this for Josh to put his hand on his shoulder, "He saved my life Markus. I would of been torn apart if it wasn't for him." Markus brought North's hands down as he took the gun from her. He then looked back at the three, "Come on." He ran up on the dumpster and climbed up the wall, for Josh and Simon to follow. North went next as she gave (Y/N) the stink eye. (Y/N) went next, for Isabella to follow, and Sophie to be last. There was a hole on top of the small building they were on, so they had to run on a wall, jump to grab a pipe sticking out, and jump to the other side. 

They jumped onto the ground to see the deviants go up onto some rubble with a metal platform. Next they got onto the ledge of the building on their left, run down it and when they got near the end they jumped off of the wall and grabbed a metal ledge hanging off of the building in front of them. They ran down that metal ledge to run a little and jump off to grab a ladder hanging off of the platform that had a door leading into the building. After all of that Markus lead them into the boat known as Jericho after they found themselves out of the building.

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