Gaining Recruits

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No One's POV

(Y/N) was currently resting on a mattress in one of the rooms in Jericho. He had his head against the wall with his arms on his legs. The door was open as Isabella peeked her head in, "Hey (Y/N). Can I come in?" "Of course." Isabella walked in to sit next to (Y/N) as they sat in silence for a while. Isabella then set her head on (Y/N)'s shoulder, "Your worried, aren't you?" "Of course I am." "It'll be alright (Y/N)." "I know. But I'm still gonna worry." "All that's gonna happen is that we will walk down the street freeing more androids." "Yeah but I won't be there." "You and Sophie have an important job to do." "Yeah, but what if something bad happens." "I'm sure that you and Sophie will be fine." "I meant you." "Oh." (Y/N) put his arm around Isabella to which she responded by putting her head closer to (Y/N)'s neck, "I'll be fine." "Your a group of deviants, that some people fear, walking down one of the most populated streets. You know that the police will show brutality." "I know. But I can take care of myself." "I know you can. Just come back." "I will." She then made (Y/N) lay down using her arm as a pillow for (Y/N), "I will. Now get some rest. You can't operate without rest." "Alright." (Y/N) started to close his eyes for Isabella to get closer. (Y/N) then hugged her, "Thank you Bella." "Same to you (Y/N)." (Y/N) closed his eyes for Isabella to brush his cheek with the back of her hand, "I love you (Y/N)." (Y/N) continued to sleep as Isabella watched over him.

The Next Day

(Y/N) and Isabella turned around a corner to have people walk past them on the sidewalk as cars past by on the road. Buildings that reached the sky surrounded them, but what they were looking at was one of the buildings on the other side of the road. It was known for keeping all of the websites and wifi within a 20 block radius up and running. They're plan was to send a message any humans who believed in equal rights for androids the directions to Jericho. They both had their backpacks on as they walked in the crowd avoiding suspicion. They waited at the crosswalk as cars went by until they stopped due to the street light turning red. All of the pedestrians walked across the street with them on their phones, making their androids following them, and others just crossing the street. (Y/N) and Sophie made it across the street to walk down a few buildings to stand in front of their destination. 

They walked in to see many people checking out the latest hand held devices, and others wearing employee uniforms as they were trying to sell people things. An android walked up to Sophie and (Y/N), "Hello. Would you two be interested in buying one of our latest products?" (Y/N) held up his hand, "Not interested." The android then walked away as Sophie looked around to point at a door, "That's where we need to go." (Y/N) looked at where she was pointing, "Well we have a problem then." "Why?" "The door has a lock that needs a key. You can't hack it." "Shit. Do these people live in fucking 2015. What the hell?" "Let's just find the key and get into that room." "Alright, split up."

(Y/N) walked towards the right side of the room as Sophie went to the left. (Y/N) looked around to see a man in an employee uniform with a ring of keys on his belt, 'There they are.' He casually made his way towards him to pick up a phone, "Well this looks interesting." The man heard this making him put on a fake smile as he walked up to (Y/N), "Oh you have a good eye sir. That is one of our latest models. It has a magnificent camera along with 2 terabytes of data." (Y/N) nodded as he looked at Sophie who looked back at him as he kept looking at the man's key ring. Sophie snuck behind to reach for the keys. She accidentally touched the man's waist making him start to look, for (Y/N) to put his hand on the man's shoulder, "So how much does it cost?" The man started going on about the cost and a few bundles he could buy. Sophie grabbed the keys to walk away for (Y/N) to walk past the man, "Sorry, it's not in my budget. Maybe you'll get someone next time." The man looked confused as he then tried to find someone else to sell something to.

Sophie unlocked the door as (Y/N) blocked her from sight. She unlocked it to have them go in and instantly lock the door behind them. They walked further into the room to see many computers set up as two people were typing away. (Y/N) and Sophie knocked them out for Sophie to look at all of the monitors, "This is my dream come true." "Yeah, well you have five minutes to work with it. Markus is leading the march." Sophie sat down, "That isn't enough time." "Not enough time to complete the plan." "No, not enough time to have with all of this." "Maybe one day." Sophie got to work while (Y/N) kept watch and knocked out one of guys as Sophie didn't knock him out. 

After a few minutes Sophie did what she was suppose to do and contacted everyone who wanted to help. They all were sent directions to Jericho for Sophie to lean in her chair, "And done." "Good, now let's get out of her." Sophie then saw something that made her start typing on the computer again, "That isn't good." "What is?" She showed the march on one of the monitors to show the police in swat uniforms, riot shields, and rifles. All of the androids started to walk away for the police to start firing upon them making a few androids fall over dead. (Y/N) hit the table, "What the hell?! They just fired upon them! They were leaving!" "(Y/N) calm down. Let's get back to Jericho." The two walked out of the room and outside to see a man punching his android, "Don't you ever disobey me again!" The android kept cowering in fear as (Y/N) walked towards him for Sophie to follow, "(Y/N) calm down." (Y/N) did not listen though as he punched the man sending him to the ground. The android looked at him confused for (Y/N) to head towards Jericho, "Come on." Sophie tapped on her phone for the android's light to turn yellow and back to blue as he looked around. He followed the other two as the man fumbled to stand as he held his black eye, "Hey! Get back here damn it!" The three didn't listen though as they continued forward.

An Hour Later

(Y/N) walked into Jericho as Sophie was left to lead the new android around as a few humans also began to pour in. (Y/N) quickly made his way to Isabella's room as he avoided bumping into anybody. He soon made it to his destination to not see anyone, 'Shit shit shit shit!' (Y/N) made his way to the infirmary to open the door and see Isabella sitting on a bed with a bandage wrapped around her arm, "Hello (Y-" She was interrupted by (Y/N) hugging her, "I'm so glad that you're ok." Isabella was taken aback by this as she then hugged back, "I'm fine (Y/N). I just got shot in the arm." "Yeah, and whoever shot that bullet will help me break concrete with his face." "Oh, that would be impossible. I didn't see who did it." "Then I will do that to every police officer that was there." Isabella pulled away from the hug to caress (Y/N)'s cheek, "I'm fine (Y/N)." "I know, but if that bullet was just a foot to the left." "Shh, that didn't happen (Y/N)." She then hugged (Y/N)'s head into her chest, "I'm glad that I came back. Because I can see you again." (Y/N) hugged her back, "I was so afraid when I was watching the police firing at you." "I know." "I love you Isabella." "I love you too (Y/N)." The two then met in a kiss as Markus stood in the doorway for him to walk away as he began to think, 'Will we really gain rights by being peaceful?'

Should Markus lead a peaceful, or aggressive last stand?

Should Connor become deviant, or stay as a detective android?


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