Epilogue (Lemon)

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No One's POV

(Y/N) was in the Detroit police uniform, as he was walking down the street, with a cup of coffee in his hand. As he was walking he passed by a normal clothing store with human and androids trying on clothes. Inside Alice came out of a changing room wearing a different outfit as Kara was sitting on a bench smiling and clapping as she liked the outfit. He then passed by a famous park that had a statue in the middle. Markus was in front, to his left was in this order, North, Simon, Josh, Isabella, and Connor, on his right was in this order, (Y/N), Sophie, Matt, Hank, and Carl. Sophie and Matt gained the attention of a very powerful organization called the FBI. They saw what they did for Markus and gave them the choice to go to jail, or work for them. They went with the best option. Last was Markus who made a deal with the president. Androids could co-live with humans, if they lived under these circumstances. Of course they follow all of the rules, they will start out as babies, gain a child body with their memories and will keep going until they reach eighty years of age which is how long they can live for. They will also start off knowing nothing and will be able to learn things just like a human and retain the information. Markus agreed to this and it's been fine since.

(Y/N) soon made it to the police department to show his badge to the lady at the receptionist desk. He walked in the back to have Hank walk past him, "Come on Connor! We've got a call!" Connor followed behind, "Coming lieutenant." They walked past as (Y/N) went to his desk and sat down to set his coffee down. He then heard the lovely voice that made everyday worth getting up in the morning, "Good morning (Y- Babe." (Y/N) looked at Isabella a little confused for Isabella to shake her head, "Sorry. We've been dating for a year and I thought that I would call you a nickname." "No it's fine. I kinda liked it." He then started his computer, "Honey." This made Isabella smile as she got back on her computer to continue work.

The day went by like a normal day for (Y/N) and Isabella to walk home together. They both held hands as they walked past the people and androids that were heading home or one final stop before home. They soon made it home for Isabella to head to the kitchen, "I'll make you a quick dinner." "That sounds great." Isabella made him some spaghetti as she was learning how to cook. (Y/N) ate the meal at the table as Isabella sat with him as they talked about whatever came to mind.

After he ate (Y/N) took Isabella's hand, "Come on. I have surprise for ya." Isabella followed with some confusion, "A surprise?" He led her to the living room as he moved the coffee table to the side and moved the couch back. He then picked up the remote to have the song , "La Da Dee" start playing. Isabella got really excited as she bounced up and down a little. She then grabbed (Y/N)'s hands to start dancing with him. The two danced together throughout the song as they danced separately every now and then to show off their dance skills, but spent most of their time dancing together holding hands.

When the song ended Isabella smiled as she laughed a little while wrapping her arms around (Y/N)'s neck, "I love you so much." "I love you too." The two then met in a tender kiss to part after a minute. Isabella then walked towards the kitchen, "I'll get you some ice cream." On her way she hit her foot against the doorway though making her stop as she raised it and held her foot, "Ow that hurts." (Y/N) walked up to her worried for it to turn to confusion, "Wait, you felt that? I thought that androids couldn't get touch receptors for another week." "Well tracies are built with something inside of us that let us feel pain if activated." (Y/N) then hugged Isabella, "Why would they do that?" Isabella though seemed to become a little embarrassed, "Because it's a side effect. But usually tracies felt pain so they were never activated. The customers would usually hurt the traci." "Well why would you have something like that activated?" "Because it's just a side effect. What it's meant for is for us to feel pleasure." It was silent for a while, "Pleasure?" "Y-yeah. I activated it so that we could, have... sex."

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