Attack On Jericho

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No One's POV

The boat Jericho was empty and deserted on the outside as the only light was the moonlight reflecting off of the water. The inside though was full of androids and humans alike as they were cooped up watching the news. Civilians were talking about how unfair it was how the police shot at the androids, even though they were being peaceful and were dispersing. (Y/N), Sophie, and Isabella were in a small room surrounded by glass as Markus stood in front of them, "So this is what is going to happen. We are going to launch a peaceful march at one of the facilities where they break and disassemble androids." Sophie was laying back in a chair as she had her arms crossed, "So what, we go be peaceful and then get shot up again." "That is where you come in. You will give the news team a little tip about a few deviants leading a peaceful protest." "Then the cops can't immediately shoot us with the world watching." "Exactly. But it won't last forever, it will only buy us time." 

He then looked at (Y/N) and Isabella, "Next is you two. This part is going to be a little bit tricky." (Y/N) was leaned up against the wall, "What do we need to do?" "The factory where all of Detroit's androids are built is one the edge of town." "And?" "They have thousands of androids in the sub-levels. (Y/N) you will distract the manager and the security guard checking the cameras." "How the hell do I do that?" "Mary is making you a fake ID." "I'm a wanted man." "Well the ID card won't have your face on it. Your name is Jonathan Burch. Unfortunately you burned your face, so you will have bandages all over your face." "Hidden in plain sight. All right then." "Then comes Isabella. You will sneak in from the back entrance, go through the vents, and in to the basement." "How will I do that." "We will go over the details tomorrow. Tonight rest up and refresh. Thank you all." The three started to go out the door, "No problem." (Y/N) was the last to leave, "Get some rest Markus. Let those gears slow down a little." Markus smirked a little from the robot joke, "I may do just that." [Relationship with Markus went up: Close friend]

Connor walked into the entrance of Jericho wearing warm clothes and not his uniform for once. He walked in to look up at the balcony to see Kara looking around, to his right on the same level as him was (Y/N) talking to a female android as she was handing him some sort of ID card, and to his left was Isabella and Sophie talking on the balcony, 'New objective: Remain unspotted.' He walked around avoiding every obstacle in his way that would blow his cover. When he went to go upstairs a colored female android with the back of her head grabbed his arm, "You are lost. You're looking for something. You're looking for yourself." Connor looked disturbed as the android walked away. Connor continued on his mission as (Y/N) walked over to Isabella, "Got the ID." Isabella kept her cheery expression self, "Great. What do we do now?" "Well I don't know. All we've done for the past few weeks is running and doing missions." "How about we do the thing that a bunch of couples do." "What is that?" "Well if I remember correctly it is called cuddling." "That sounds nice." The two went into a room to lay together. They had their arms wrapped around one another as Isabella snuggled her head into (Y/N)'s neck, "Your stress levels are going down." "It feels like it." Isabella giggled a little while smiling, "I love you." "I love you too." 

After a few minutes the two started to fall asleep, until screaming was heard along with a few gunshots. (Y/N) got up to open the door to see a few androids get shot and fell to the ground while a few soldiers started to come forward. (Y/N) quickly and quietly closed the door as Isabella stood up, "What's going on?" "We need to get out of here." (Y/N) looked around for Isabella to go to the large vent on the floor and pull it off. She went through for (Y/N) to follow, "I always forget how strong you are." The two walked in the vent to end up on the other side of the wall. More androids and humans ran for (Y/N) and Isabella to join them. They ran to a doorway to have soldiers appear and take aim. (Y/N) grabbed Isabella and went behind a wall as the others got shot. (Y/N) lifted Isabella up to the railing for her to bend down and help him up as the soldiers walked through the doorway to pass by them.

The two Continued running down a few corridors as a few humans and androids passed by or joined them. As they were running they turned a corner for a soldier to hit (Y/N) in the head sending him to the ground as Isabella was pushed to the ground. The two soldiers took aim for them to be shot in the head and fall to the ground. An android with a gun ran up to (Y/N) to offer his hand as he smiled a little, "Hello. My name is Conner. The android sent by Cyberlife." (Y/N) took his hand for Conner to help him up along with Isabella. Conner started running, "Come on, this way." The two followed for him to take them to North, Josh, and Sam, while Markus was missing. North told them that Markus was going to blow up the ship, so they needed to run and get out. They ran through the boat towards a hole in the side for Markus to join them. They ran towards the hole for soldiers to start shooting at them. Markus was quick to use a piece of metal to block the bullets and take out a few while Conner shot any remaining. When they had the opportunity they ran out of the hole of the side and into the water. The androids could stay under water, but (Y/N) was having a lot of trouble. Isabella solved this though by holding onto (Y/N) as she provided him with some air by locking her lips with his. 

Somewhere else Sophie was running out of the main entrance along with other androids and humans. The soldiers followed behind though to open fire. Sophie dropped to the ground and stayed silent as she pretended to be dead. She noticed a short haired female android on the ground with a child android with long brown hair in a ponytail. The androids started to move for Sophie to whisper, "Don't you dare move." The two stayed still for the soldiers to move on as they went back into the boat. Sophie got up for Kara and Alice to do the same. Sophie went out the main entrance to look back at the other two, "Come on."

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