Breaking Into Cyberlife

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No One's POV

Every survivor of Jericho has now regrouped at a run down abandoned church. (Y/N) was sitting on a bench with Isabella next to him. He wore a different jacket and pants as Isabella laid on his arm as she made herself physically hotter to warm (Y/N) up. They were quiet for a bit until Isabella broke the ice, "So, what do we do now?" "I don't know. But whatever we do, we will be together." This made Isabella smile as she wrapped her hands around his arm.

As they say there Markus walked up to them, "You two doing alright?" (Y/N) simply nodded in response, "Yeah we're fine. Thank you for asking." "I understand if you don't want to break into Cyberlife after all that happened." (Y/N) looked at Isabella who nodded, "We will still stick to the plan." "That is good to hear. Connor has informed me that where they watch the cameras is in a different building. Connor will give you the details when you're ready." "Sounds good." Markus then went to talk to other members of Jericho for Isabella to tap on (Y/N)'s shoulder. He looked down at her, "What is it?" Isabella then pointed to Kara and Alice, "Don't they look like the androids in that report we got before?" "How do you know?" "I scanned her and her model number is AX-400. And the android child next to her looks like the drawing Todd Williams described." "His daughter was an android?" "It appears so." "Well I'll be damned." "I'm kind of glad that we didn't find them. Because they wouldn't be together like that." "Everything happens for a reason I guess." Conner then walked up to (Y/N) and Isabella, "So Markus said to talk to you two." Conner explained a few things and the new plan to them until Markus stood up on the small stage in front of everybody and declared that he would lead a peaceful last stand. Everyone cheered as they would follow Markus no matter what he chose to do.

A few hours passed for the March to start as (Y/N) drive his way to a small Cyberlife warehouse as it was the control center for all near Cyberlife branches. She walked in and due to all of the bandages going with the ship (Y/N) word a mask covering his nose and mouth, shades, and a good over his head as his jacket was thin. He walked in to walk to one of the security desks, "Hello I am here to check if all of your equipment is up to date." The man behind the desk checked a few things as he remembered getting a call a few minutes ago for a quick check up due to everything that is happening. Conner just disguised his voice.

The man then looked at (Y/N), "Why are you covering your face?" "Oh I'm starting to catch something. Just wanna be safe." The man looked like he just didn't care from constant boredom from this job as he signaled to go through a gate, "Go on in." Before he did though Hank walked in as he looked around. He walked up to the man, "I would like to check a few things." "Sorry sir. You are going to need a warrant." (Y/N) raised his hand, "He's q th me. Need an officer just to be safe now a days." The man simply saved it off, "Go through the gate."

The two walked in through as Hank eyed (Y/N) with confusion as he followed him to avoid suspension. (Y/N) pretended to check a few cameras, some computers, and weapons not being used. Hank was then suspiciously missing to which no one noticed except for (Y/N). (Y/N) continued his plan to head to the surveillance room and freeze the elevator and basement cameras. He made it to see the keypad already tampered and messed with, which made him confused as he looked around.

He went into the room and shut the door behind him to close it. When he took a few steps in he saw th two men watching the screens knocked out as Hank was fumbling around with one of the computers, "Damn thing. How does this work?" He then noticed (Y/N) to aim his gun at him, "Don't move." (Y/N) took off his mask and shades, "Hello again lieutenant." Hank gained a confused look, "(Y/N) ? What are you doing here?" "I could ask you the same thing." It was quiet for a moment until Hank went back to the computer, "Just do what you're gonna do."

(Y/N) went to the control panel to freeze the important cameras to not record Conner and Isabella. He turned around to see his hands up as Conner held a gun up to him and a female android with short blonde hair and blue eyes held a gun up to (Y/N), "You are coming with me."

Some time later Isabella fully took off her handcuffs, as Conner stood next to her, and two soldiers laid dead in the elevator. They reached the sub-levels where all of the androids were stored. Conner went to the left, "Isabella start on the right." Isabella did what he said to grab an androids arm to be stopped as a Conner copy came out with a gun to Hank and a police android holding (Y/N) at gunpoint.

The Conner clone out the gun close to Hank's head, "Give it up deviants! It's over!" Bank was the first one to speak, "Don't do it Conner! So what you gotta do!" Conner was hesitant as (Y/N) looked at Isabella, "One life is better than hundreds! Do it Bella." The officer android put the gun closer to his head, "Really?" Isabella and Conner put their hands up as the officers eased up a bit.

With this Hank attacked the Conner copy starting a fight between the two. The female android took aim at Hank for (Y/N) to grab her arm and lunch her in the cheek to which she retaliated by going for the gut. Isabella didn't pay attention to what Conner did, but she rushed the android officer. The android punched (Y/N) in the jaw knocking him down and was aimed at the officer who then look at Isabella who went for a punch. The android dodged to punch Isabella back making her stagger a bit. The android tried to shoot Isabella but she kicked it out of her hand.

Now at hand to hand combat Isabella asked one question, "What are you?" The android got in a fighting stance, "I am Rina. I am what you were suppose to be." Rina rushed Isabella to punch her jaw, to which was blocked as Rina got in a gut punch. Isabella was punched in the face staggering her head, and cutting her cheek, as Rina kicked her chest sending her back. Rina rushed her again as Isabella got up. Isabella tried to punch, but Rina swept her arm under Isabella's to have her hand on her back and vice versa. With this Isabella used what she was made for as it gave her balance. Isabella flipped backwards in the air to untwist their arms allowing her to go up as she moved her hand on Rina's shoulder to swing down kicking Rina back as Isabella caught herself on her hands. Isabella ran towards Rina who tried to punch her, but Isabella dodged to grab her arm and swing herself onto Rina's shoulders with her head in-between her thighs. She swung them down as Isabella chocked Rina while adding pressure. Rina grabbed for breathe until Isabella twisted her thighs snapping the other android's neck making blue blood come out of its eyes.

She stood up to her a gunshot making her look around and see that Hank shot the Conner copy as he told Conner to do what he came here for. Hank walked towards (Y/N) as he looked at Isabella, "Go do what you have to do." Isabella was hesitant, but she trusted Hank as she went to awaken androids. Hank got on one knee to tap (Y/N)'s cheek, " Hey wake up." He then slapped (Y/N)'s cheek, "Wake up!" He woke up from this as Hank got up to offer his hand to which (Y/N) took as he stood up. The two looked around at all of the androids for (Y/N) to look at Hank, "Shouldn't you of shot yourself already?" "Oh shut it. Android lover."

A few minutes later the peaceful last stand was a success as the police backed off. Of course there was some human and Android bloodshed from the military. It was all over the news as Conner, Isabella, Hank, and (Y/N) led all of the storage androids through the streets. With this the president gave the city of Detroit to the androids. The four who led the androids got on stage with Markus as they were on the left side as North, Josh, Simon were on right. He gave a speech bringing hope to all of the androids and while this was going on Isabella held (Y/N)'s hand.

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